
parachute是什么意思 parachute在线翻译 parachute什么意思 parachute的意思 parachute的翻译 parachute的解释 parachute的发音 parachute的同义词

parachute [ˈpærəʃu:t]  [ˈpærəˌʃut] 


parachute 基本解释


名词降落伞; 降落伞状物; [植]风散种子

及物/不及物动词用降落伞投送; 用降落伞降落


parachute 相关例句


1. We parachuted the supplies to them.

2. The man parachuted safely to the ground.


1. They parachuted behind enemy lines.

parachute 网络解释

1. 降落伞:2009年英国最夺目最成功的女歌手兼选秀大赛评委Cheryl Cole最近又成为了英国八卦媒体的聚焦对象,因为她身为英格兰国家足球队队员的老公Ashley Cole又传出了给三级艳星发短信图片的绯闻. 可怜的Cheryl每天被英国娱记们追逐,而她去年推出的首张个人专辑<<3 Words>>当中第三张单曲<<降落伞>>(Parachut

2. parachute的近义词

2. 保护伞;降落伞:7.budget 做预算 | 8.parachute 保护伞;降落伞 | 9.setback 挫折

3. parachute在线翻译

3. 降落伞 - 放缓下降的速度:- MAGNET 磁鐵 - 可以將附近的金幣吸過來 | - PARACHUTE 降落傘 - 放緩下降的速度 | - RADAR 雷達 - 在右下角顯示

4. 断绳保险器防坠器:paper cartridge 纸药卷 | parachute 断绳保险器防坠器 | paraffin 石蜡

parachute 词典解释

1. 降落伞
    A parachute is a device which enables a person to jump from an aircraft and float safely to the ground. It consists of a large piece of thin cloth attached to your body by strings.

    e.g. They fell 41,000 ft. before opening their parachutes...
    e.g. UN troops could be landed by helicopter or even by parachute.

2. (使)跳伞;(使)空降
    If a person parachutes or someone parachutes them somewhere, they jump from an aircraft using a parachute.

    e.g. He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw...
    e.g. He was parachuted in.

3. 空投
    To parachute something somewhere means to drop it somewhere by parachute.

    e.g. Planes parachuted food, clothing, blankets, medicine and water into the rugged mountainous border region...
    e.g. Supplies were parachuted into the mountains.

4. (使)空降(指突然从机构外调入)
    If a person parachutes into an organization or if they are parachuted into it, they are brought in suddenly in order to help it.


    e.g. ...a consultant who parachutes into corporations and helps provide strategic thinking.
    e.g. There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament.

parachute 单语例句

1. An inspection of the warehouse showed hundreds of tents, parachute material and piles of canned food.

2. NASA officials believed the fragile disks that held the atoms would shatter even if the capsule hit the ground with a parachute.

3. CAST experts will open the capsule on Wednesday morning and conduct further examinations on the capsule and the parachute that helped the craft's safe landing.

4. The rover relied on a heat shield, parachute and rockets to slow its descent to Mars.

5. A reexamination of images of the surface of Mars taken after the Polar Lander's disappearance show a white patch that could be a parachute.

6. You do not need to be a military expert to know that to parachute in such a place is to put one's life at risk.

7. In an experiment in 1979, a bomb fell directly down to the ground because of a crack in the parachute.

8. The show features the escape capsule, parachute and the space food the ship carried.

9. The'Parachute'singer will put the house she shared with estranged husband Ashley Cole on the market as soon as her divorce is finalised.

10. The promo features two kids who jump from a zooming red airplane and sing as they parachute through the clouds.

parachute 英英释义


1. rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall

    Synonym: chute



1. jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute

    Synonym: chutejump

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