
paratrooper是什么意思 paratrooper在线翻译 paratrooper什么意思 paratrooper的意思 paratrooper的翻译 paratrooper的解释 paratrooper的发音

paratrooper [ˈpærətru:pə(r)]  [ˈpærəˌtrupɚ] 


paratrooper 基本解释


paratrooper 网络解释

1. 伞兵:Grenadier), 伞兵(Paratrooper)和炮手(Submachine Gunner)等. 每一种角手(Submachine Gunner)适合室内作战,伞兵(Paratrooper)则适宜户外作战. 三大战役,分别为是斯大林格勒之战(Stalingrad)、柏林之战(Berlin)和诺曼主角绿色贝雷帽(Green Beret)的特殊能力方能完成这关.

2. 伞兵; troops 军队,部队:3. feline 猫科的,猫的 | 5. paratrooper 伞兵; troops 军队,部队 | 6. monastery 寺院,修道院

3. 空降:装甲 armor 7 | 空降 paratrooper 4 | 航母 carrier 9

4. paratrooper在线翻译

4. 伞兵 (名):paratroop 伞兵部队 (名) | paratrooper 伞兵 (名) | paratroops 伞兵部队 (名)

paratrooper 双语例句

1. A classic noir theme: Florence and her lover, ex-paratrooper Julien, hatch a seemingly foolproof plan to murder her husband in his office and make it look like suicide.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The paratrooper opened the parachute in mid air after he had jumped out of the plane.

3. paratrooper什么意思

3. The paratrooper got so scared that he forgot to pull his rip cord.

4. VERTICAL ENVELOPMENT DOCTRINE 5210% cost and time reduction to paratrooper and transport plane construction.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. Below the Paratrooper on the north bank of the Loyalhanna are the Whip, built in 1938, the Super Round-Up, and the Tilt-A-Whirl.

6. Software Description: About ParaShooter 3D, This is a modern remake of one of Paratrooper.
    ParaShooter 3D 这是现代重制之一伞兵。

7. TOYE: Hey, as long as he`s a paratrooper.

8. It's named for Pvt. John T. Mackall of the 82nd Airborne Division, the first American paratrooper to be killed in combat in World War Two.

9. When millions of troops landing at Normandy beach, a small team from the Lieutenant John Miller led the U. S. troops are in-depth enemy zone, risking their lives to rescue a paratrooper 詹姆斯雷恩詹姆斯雷恩 is the home of four brothers and the youngest, and his three brothers have died in war, Washingtons general order not to let these brave soldiers, the mother bear And then, she was determined to be the only remaining son safely rescued camp.

10. Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit.

11. They formed the 4th Paratrooper Battalion (because it was considered after the 3 balloon barrage battalions).

12. Private perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. Hey, as long as he`s a paratrooper.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. This is a combat paratrooper, storm of enemies.

16. paratrooper

16. That person in a software development shop is The Paratrooper.

17. paratrooper在线翻译

17. Said if you want to make it as a paratrooper you had to be the best.

18. Hey, as long as he's a paratrooper.

19. We all have great respect for that brave paratrooper.

20. paratrooper

20. When you try to convince your son to get a mohawk and dress like a paratrooper for halloween.

paratrooper 词典解释

1. 伞兵;空降兵
    Paratroopers are soldiers who are trained to be dropped by parachute into battle or into enemy territory.

paratrooper 单语例句

1. Colombian military commanders have accused former paratrooper Chavez of collaborating with Marxist rebels, a charge he has angrily denied.

2. The former paratrooper said he was now concentrating on becoming a commercial helicopter pilot as a retirement job.

3. Leftist former paratrooper Chavez is hoping Putin will help him diversify Venezuela's arms procurement away from the United States and the European Union.

4. Other deaths this month among international forces include four Canadian soldiers and one Italian paratrooper.

5. Morlock said he joined the Army hoping to follow in the footsteps of his father, a retired paratrooper.

6. Chavez showed up wearing a red beret like the one he wore as a former army paratrooper who staged a failed 1992 coup attempt.

paratrooper 英英释义


1. a soldier in the paratroops

    Synonym: para

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