
pastas是什么意思 pastas在线翻译 pastas什么意思 pastas的意思 pastas的翻译 pastas的解释 pastas的发音 pastas的同义词 pastas的反义词 pastas的例句



pastas 基本解释

面团,意大利面食( pasta的名词复数 );

pastas 网络解释

1. 我喜欢的食物:如果我是超人,我要give my powers away | 我喜欢的食物pastas | 我讨厌banana

2. pastas的意思

2. 面条:Patatas fritas炸薯条 | Pastas 面条 | Macarrones通心粉

3. 義大利麵:C. 薯餅 Hash Browns | 義大利麵 | Pastas | 蕃茄義大利麵 Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce $260

pastas 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Add the miracle whip to the mixed pastas in a large mixing bowl.

2. Food Recommendation: Whether you are enjoying a summer meal alfresco or indoors in the middle of winter this is a wine that pairs well with light or creamy pastas, grilled lamb and beef or roasted pork loin.

3. Zinfandel (ZIN-fan-dell): California's native red and perhaps the world's most versatile wine grape, making everything from blush wine, to light, beaujolais-style reds, rich, heavy reds, and even ports; has a zesty, berryish flavor that perfect for tomato-sauce pastas, pizza, and grilled and barbecued meats.

4. With barbecued chicken, baby back ribs, sausages, pizza pastas and burgers.

5. Fresh pastas finish in even less time. Slice some leftover artisan bread for bruschetta, add some fun toppers and you`ve got an elegant dinner on the table in no time.

6. Serve chili, soup, stew, pastas, or rice in a scooped-out tomato or green pepper.

7. They are urged to sample at least a taste of every one of the table`s hundred-plus pastas, soups, salads, fruits, fish dishes, and breads, not to mention cookies, fritters, doughnuts, cream puffs, and frosted cakes.

8. Below are just some examples of the pastas and sauces around

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Many pastas are made from wheat and in this category.

10. As to food and drink, he likes pastas and water.

11. Second, are you eating foods high in sugar, plus breads and pastas?


13. Really try to avoid foods that are processed such as white breads and white pastas.

14. Drawing of all kinds of pastas!

15. The use of microbial ecology technique for the production of natural flavors and fragrances Gastronomy: ideal to be served with all kind of meat, pastas and food with spicy sauce.

16. Gastronomy: ideal to be served with all kind of meat, pastas and food with spicy sauce. Perfect with white meats, poultry, grilled fish and goat cheese.

17. Meanwhile, Italian pastas such as fettuccine or spaghetti work quite well in lo mein recipes.

18. Enjoy with stews and stuffed meat dishes, and particularly with meat-sauced pastas and medium-aged cheeses.

19. We have beef and chicken, pastas and rice.

20. Food Suggestion: Baked lasagna, rabbit casserole, duck, tomato based pastas.

pastas 单语例句

1. Gorgeous homemade pizzas, pastas and risottos walk the line between straight up comfort food and gastronomic treats.

2. Amongst the myriad pastas and pizzas is risotto actually made in a wheel of cheese, a practice hardly replicated out of Italy in this day and age.

3. Soups, salads and pastas are uninspiring and meat rules over seafood.

4. Their recommendations in the French arena were the pastas, steaks and deserts.

5. They also offer traditional platters with meats and cheeses, along with burgers and pastas on the special menus.

6. Pastas are freshly made in front of you by our Italian Chef Francesco and his team.

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