
pathetic是什么意思 pathetic在线翻译 pathetic什么意思 pathetic的意思 pathetic的翻译 pathetic的解释 pathetic的发音 pathetic的同义词

pathetic [pəˈθetɪk]  [pəˈθɛtɪk] 

pathetic 基本解释

形容词令人同情的,可怜的; 又笨又可怜的,无价值的; 荡气回肠


pathetic 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. It was pathetic to watch her condition deteriorate day by day.

pathetic 网络解释

1. 可怜:这些文章都很酸,一方面看中国的成就而眼红,一方面又讥笑中国落後地区的贫穷从而得到安慰,作者不但学识无知(ignorant)而且心态可怜(pathetic). 记者问Bela年纪小有什麽优势,Bela回答不出来. 记者问国际奥委会主席,回答是年纪小并无优势,

2. 悲怆地:nobilmente高雅地 | pathetic悲怆地 | passionate热情洋溢地

3. pathetic的翻译

3. 令人感伤,可怜的:passive 消极,被动的 | pathetic 令人感伤,可怜的 | pathos 动人哀感之性质

pathetic 词典解释

1. 可怜的;令人怜悯的;悲惨的
    If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them.

    e.g. ...a pathetic little dog with a curly tail...
    e.g. The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight...

She was pathetically thin.

2. 差劲的;软弱的;令人生厌的
    If you describe someone or something as pathetic, you mean that they make you feel impatient or angry, often because they are weak or not very good.

    e.g. What pathetic excuses...
    e.g. It's a pound for a small glass of wine, which is pathetic.

Five women in a group of 18 people is a pathetically small number.

pathetic 单语例句

1. Many citizens don't know if beggars are legitimately in need of help, or trying to cheat them out of their money with a pathetic disguise.

2. It's pathetic that some have come to see him in a heroic light.

3. Seeing its pathetic condition, the king ordered it to be replaced with a sheep.

4. Stripped of power, the once feared dictator goes to his grave an insolent and pathetic victim.

5. It is pathetic that to provoke China the foreign secretary of the Philippines has not hesitated to help Japan revive the dying ember of militarism.

6. Women were so pathetic in the old days, as they were stranded at home all day long.

7. Apple has become the latest US company to take a bite of the pathetic hacking noir wafting across the pacific.

8. How come my life has turned out almost as bad as that pathetic lady?

9. And the history of inaction over the past quarter century on this crucial issue has been nothing short of pathetic.

10. The pathetic performance renewed talk that the players had quit on Isiah Thomas - and speculation the coach's job was in jeopardy.

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