
patronage是什么意思 patronage在线翻译 patronage什么意思 patronage的意思 patronage的翻译 patronage的解释 patronage的发音 patronage的同义词

patronage [ˈpætrənɪdʒ]  [ˈpetrənɪdʒ,ˈpætrə-] 

patronage 基本解释

名词资助,赞助; 光顾,惠顾; 任免权; 支援,保护

patronage 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. He has a great deal of patronage in his hands.

patronage 网络解释

1. 恩惠:慈善作为一种恩惠(patronage)形式,赞助人绝不会被迫参与,除非是出於他内在的推动和公众的非正式期待. 它更多地针对公民而非穷人,没有经济或政治功能. 它既不是救济(charity),也不是财富的、去政治化的或税收的再分配. 有时,

2. 赞助:举一个最简单的例子,拉了文pater如果保留其在古罗马时代的字形传至现代,可以用来表达的意思(也许还要并以别的字)可包括父亲、爱国主义(patriotism),父系血统(paternity)、(基督教)教父神学研究(patritics)、祖传财产(partrimony)、赞助(patronage)等等.

3. 资助:早就有学者研究指出,在国际科学界,作为惯例的科学共同体的自治的形成得益于两个不可或缺的社会文化条件:其一,学术自由不仅是研究机构的既定方针,而且成为广泛的社会共识;其二,外界(包括民间机构和国家)对科学的资助(patronage)必须通过基于同行评

4. 光顾:另外一种研究购买者行为的方法是区别老客户光顾(patronage)动机和购买新产品动机(product buying). 老客户光顾动机是指使潜在的消费者购买某一企业的产品而不是其他企业的产品的考虑因素. 这些因素包括优质的服务,

patronage 词典解释

1. 资助;赞助
    Patronage is the support and money given by someone to a person or a group such as a charity.


    e.g. ...government patronage of the arts in Europe...
    e.g. The Vevey Festival was founded 12 years ago under the patronage of Oona Chaplin.

patronage 单语例句

1. Worth's designs were preferred by the empress, whose patronage ensured his success as a popular dressmaker.

2. It is widely believed that China's eatery industry owes a large part of its boom to the patronage of official gourmets.

3. It hardly matters that Saddam hardly ever changed his ruling style when he enjoyed and then lost US patronage.

4. While admitting the effect is not measurable, hotels believe " the scent certainly has an impact on guest patronage ".

5. They demonstrate the legacy of artist patronage and art collecting in the northern industrial cities that burgeoned in the revolution.

6. The nature of corporate patronage of sports has radically changed since the time Xu came home with a gold.

7. The concert was held by the Herzliya Chamber Orchestra under the patronage of Chinese Embassy to Israel.

8. While the full report has not been made public yet, this did bring to light how criminal gangs enjoyed political patronage across all political parties.

9. To establish trust, retailers said they have spared no effort in protecting customers'rights to maintain their patronage.

10. Karzai's opponents also complain that state media and patronage give the president an unfair advantage.

patronage 英英释义



1. the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers

    e.g. even before noon there was a considerable patronage

    Synonym: trade

2. (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

3. the act of providing approval and support

    e.g. his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives

    Synonym: backingbackupchampionship

4. a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

    Synonym: condescensiondisdain

5. customers collectively

    e.g. they have an upper class clientele

    Synonym: clientelebusiness


1. be a regular customer or client of

    e.g. We patronize this store
           Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could

    Synonym: patronizepatronisesupportkeep going

2. support by being a patron of

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