
pay off是什么意思 pay off在线翻译 pay off什么意思 pay off的意思 pay off的翻译 pay off的解释 pay off的发音 pay off的同义词 pay off的反义词

pay off [pei ɔf]  [pe ɔf] 

pay off 基本解释

付清; (付清工资后)解雇; <非正>取得成功; 使得益

pay off 相关例句


1. pay off在线翻译

1. We will have more money to spend after we pay off our mortgage.

2. The company has paid off some redundant employees.

3. Did his plan pay off?

4. We had to pay off city health inspectors to open our restaurant.

5. Two years of business school really paid off.

pay off 网络解释

1. 取得成功:⑤从成本收益(cost beneft)的角度来看,老年保健医疗制度有可能取得成功(pay off):因为很有可能的是、该市场中的每个人都愿意支付其预期的保健医疗费用并购买保险,但是没有任何保险公司愿意出售保单--因为不管保费的水平如何,

2. 成功:⑤从成本收益(cost beneft)的角度来看,老年保健医疗制度有可能取得成功(pay off):因为很有可能的是、该市场中的每个人都愿意支付其预期的保健医疗费用并购买保险,但是没有任何保险公司愿意出售保单--因为不管保费的水平如何,

3. pay off是什么意思

3. 偿还:货币资金(Money Fund)是指可以立即投入流通,用来购买商品或劳务,或用来偿还(Pay off)债务的交换媒介. 货币资金是企业经营过程中以货币形态存在的一种资产. 它是企业流动性(Liquidity)最强的流动资产,

4. pay off是什么意思

4. 还清(债):pay down即时交付,用现金支付 | pay off还清(债) | pay up全部付清

pay off 词典解释

1. 偿清,还清(债务)
    If you pay off a debt, you give someone all the money that you owe them.

pay off是什么意思

    e.g. It would take him the rest of his life to pay off that loan.

2. 还清债务;用钱打发
    If you pay off someone, you give them the amount of money that you owe them or that they are asking for, so that they will not take action against you or cause you any trouble.

    e.g. ...his bid to raise funds to pay off his creditors...
    e.g. In societies where corruption is endemic, decision-making is slowed as more politicians and officials have to be paid off.

3. 成功;赢利
    If an action pays off, it is successful or profitable after a period of time.

    e.g. Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.

4. see also: payoff

pay off 单语例句

1. The MOF said that it would still act as an agent to pay off the principal and interest for the bonds.

2. " Most of the money will go to pay off our debts and buy medicine, " Xie says.

3. Liu used the money to pay off interest as well as buy cars and properties, police said.

4. With our universal energy management we contribute to China's sustainable development and provide solutions to our customers and partners that pay off day by day.

5. Nearby a crowd mobbed a man on a pay phone, screaming at him to get off the phone so that they could call relatives.

6. The company said in its prospectus that it will use 65 per cent of the IPO proceeds to improve capacity and pay off bank loans.

7. Lau suggested a cooling off period be stipulated in any contract for pay TV, giving consumers time for careful consideration before paying for the service.

8. After a whole year of hard work, all our income from selling cashmere and lamb was used to pay off debt.

9. It's common for property management companies to cut off water and electricity to force house owners to pay their bills.

10. Furthermore the pay and working conditions of the contract workers were very poor, with many working 12 hours per day for an entire month without time off.

pay off

pay off 英英释义


1. take vengeance on or get even

    e.g. We'll get them!
           That'll fix him good!
           This time I got him

    Synonym: pay backgetfix

2. do or give something to somebody in return

    e.g. Does she pay you for the work you are doing?

    Synonym: paymake upcompensate

3. pay off (loans or promissory notes)

    Synonym: redeem

4. pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor

    Synonym: buy off

5. yield a profit or result

    e.g. His efforts finally paid off

6. eliminate by paying off (debts)

    Synonym: liquidate

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