
pedal是什么意思 pedal在线翻译 pedal什么意思 pedal的意思 pedal的翻译 pedal的解释 pedal的发音 pedal的同义词 pedal的反义词 pedal的例句

pedal [ˈpedl]  [ˈpɛdl] 


pedal 基本解释

名词踏板; 脚蹬子; 垂足线

及物/不及物动词踩自行车的踏板; 骑自行车

形容词踏板的; 脚的

pedal 相关例句


1. pedal是什么意思

1. She pedaled her bicycle slowly up the hill.

2. We pedalled slowly up the hill.

3. Tom pedaled his bicycle down the street.


1. I saw him pedal to school every morning.


1. pedal什么意思

1. He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision.

2. One of the pedals has come off my bicycle.

pedal 网络解释

1. 踏板:阿财写:动力组基本上包含区柄(crankset)、大盘(chain ring)、钳齿轮(cog)、鍊条(chain)与踏板(pedal),每个零件受力都很大,不过如果安装正确,其实都很难烂掉.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 脚踏板:市面上也存在不少品质优异的游戏方向盘装备,今天笔者就给大家推荐两款性价比优秀的方向盘游戏装备Genius Twin Wheel 900FF和Twin Wheel FF,并且以图文鉴赏和游戏实测形式带给您实体般的感觉. (3)脚踏板(Pedal)与其余附件

3. 脚踏:重要事项需知面板及后面板面板(1) 效果选择旋钮可用这些旋钮来选择各效果组中的个别音色.(2) 效果组选择按键 [功放(DRIVE-AMP), 音箱(CABINET), 转调(MODULATION), 脚踏(PEDAL), 环境(AMBIENCE)]利用此按键来开/关或编辑各效果组.

4. 蹬车:自行车设计真是百花齐放,据加拿大的蹬车(Pedal) 杂志介绍,2003年可供您选择的自行车种类多达1700个. 我自己虽然已有十辆自行车, 但假如市场会出现本田(Honda)自行车的话, 我会毫不犹豫地买回一辆. 据悉, 本田山地自行车最近已在日本首次亮相.

pedal 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 pedaling, pedaled

1. (自行车的)脚蹬,踏板
    The pedals on a bicycle are the two parts that you push with your feet in order to make the bicycle move.

2. 蹬,骑(自行车)
    When you pedal a bicycle, you push the pedals around with your feet to make it move.

    e.g. She climbed on her bike with a feeling of pride and pedalled the five miles home...
    e.g. She was too tired to pedal back.

3. (汽车或机器的)踏板
    A pedal in a car or on a machine is a lever that you press with your foot in order to control the car or machine.

    e.g. ...the brake or accelerator pedals.

pedal 单语例句

1. Su and her sister claimed Su did not intend to kill Liu but had stepped on the gas pedal by mistake.

2. Just imagine a peloton riding past the Great Wall, that would beat any castle or chateau the Tour de France could pedal by.

3. Ford has said there have been no reported problems with the Transit Classic, and that none of its other vehicles use gas pedal parts made by CTS.

4. Sales manager Chris Mignano said the dealership started doing the pedal modifications on Friday, completing work on about 30 cars by Saturday morning.

5. Millions of Germans pedal their way through the often narrow and twisting streets of historic cities in this densely populated country.

6. Counsel also argued that Yu was controlling the gas pedal and brakes and thus had effective control of the vehicle.

7. Toyota told NHTSA in June it knew of 63 reports of possible floor mat pedal entrapment.

8. He continues to pedal his tricycle to deliver the fish to the families during festivals every year.

9. First, they heat a strip of iron using a foot pedal to power the tool.

10. Imagine the benefits if a greater percentage could be persuaded to take their foot off the pedal.

pedal 英英释义


1. a lever that is operated with the foot

    Synonym: treadlefoot pedalfoot lever

2. a sustained bass note

    Synonym: pedal point


1. operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument

2. ride a bicycle

    Synonym: bicyclecyclebikewheel



1. of or relating to the feet

    e.g. the word for a pedal extremity is `foot'

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