
peddle是什么意思 peddle在线翻译 peddle什么意思 peddle的意思 peddle的翻译 peddle的解释 peddle的发音 peddle的同义词 peddle的反义词 peddle的例句

peddle [ˈpedl]  [ˈpɛdl] 


peddle 基本解释

及物/不及物动词传播,散播; 兜售,叫卖; 忙于做琐事

peddle 相关例句


1. peddle

1. The old man peddled ice-cream on the street corner.

2. She loves to peddle gossip round the village.

3. She loves to peddle gossip.


1. She and her husband went to prison for peddling drugs.

peddle 网络解释

1. peddle的反义词

1. 卵石:飞在空中是本能(flair),飞来的姑姑在炫耀(flaunt),锁在一起成群飞(flock),飞到外边受蔑视(flout),飞到下边才挣扎(flounder) flee 为逃走,fade 为褪色,fling 抛石头,feeble 才脆弱 拍卵石(peddle),入碎石(rubble),

2. peddle什么意思

2. 挑卖:peddle one's papers 不管闲事 | peddle 挑卖 | peddler 小贩

3. peddle

3. 贩卖,沿街叫卖:pedal 脚踏板 | peddle 贩卖,沿街叫卖 | pedestal 底座,基础

4. peddle

4. 沿街叫卖:paddle 桨 | peddle 沿街叫卖 | peddler 小贩

peddle 词典解释

1. 到处叫卖;兜售
    Someone who peddles things goes from place to place trying to sell them.

    e.g. His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.

2. 贩卖(毒品)
    Someone who peddles drugs sells illegal drugs.

    e.g. When a drug pusher offered the Los Angeles youngster $100 to peddle drugs, Jack refused.

The war against drug peddling is all about cash.

3. 宣扬,散布(思想或消息)
    If someone peddles an idea or a piece of information, they try very hard to get people to accept it.

    e.g. They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

peddle 单语例句


1. Marketers clamor for her endorsements, borrowing her name and image to peddle everything from cell phones to doughnuts.

2. Once ready, the two peddle their steamed buns to workers repairing the road on their doorstep.

3. Hundreds of vendors peddle everything from mutton kebabs and beef soup to fried twisted dough and steamed rose cakes.

4. The bad guy is a " capitalist roader " who wants to peddle for a little money.

5. These Japanese officials are on a mission to peddle their lie that Japan has sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

6. They developed into marketplaces for goods and ideas, where agrarians and artisans would peddle wares and showmen would stage cultural performances.

7. With the grimmer future presented to us, people who still peddle the " American way of life " have to think hard again.

8. This is because there are now fewer and fewer sugar sculpture artists who peddle this art on the streets.

9. The only winners of hostility are defense contractors who peddle death and destruction.

10. David Katz says that's because companies aggressively peddle food to people who don't need it.

peddle 英英释义


1. sell or offer for sale from place to place

    Synonym: mongerhucksterhawkvendpitch

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