
peel是什么意思 peel在线翻译 peel什么意思 peel的意思 peel的翻译 peel的解释 peel的发音 peel的同义词 peel的反义词 peel的例句 peel的相关词组

peel [pi:l]  [pil] 


peel 基本解释

及物动词剥皮; 覆盖层脱落,剥落

不及物动词剥落; 脱落; 揭掉; 表面起皮

名词果皮,蔬菜皮; 长柄木铲; [英史]堡寨,堡宅


peel 相关词组

1. peel off : 飞机离队俯冲目标, 飞机离队降落;

2. peel out : 迅速离开;

peel 相关例句


1. He peeled off his heavy sweater.

2. His job was to peel potatoes.

3. The Indians peeled the bark from trees to make canoes.


1. It got hotter, the boys peeled to get relief.


1. Apples have red or green peel.

peel 网络解释

1. 皮:在急性期(pre-empxema phase,stageI)插入胸管引流再加抽吸通常可以达到很好的效果,到了亚急性期(Fibropnrulent phase,stageII)增厚肋膜所形成的皮(peel)会阻碍肺的膨胀(entrapment of lung),用胸管引流加抽吸的效果不如急性期;

2. 皮尔:有评论说 : 皮尔 (peel) 地区和约克 (york) 地区平均涨幅为 11.5 % ; 多伦多许多地区涨幅超过 12 %以上,较好地段或沿湖的房子升值达 15 %. 对于房价上涨,几家欢喜几家愁. 业主的心情是矛盾的,在欣喜自家资产增长几万元的同时,

3. 剥落:80年代初,她用短片<<剥落>>(Peel)开始了她的电影生涯,此片获得1986年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖. 她1990年的影片<<我桌上的天使>>(An Angelat My Table)根据新西兰诗人珍妮特弗莱姆(Janet Frame)的生平改编,在新西兰上映了8个月,

4. peel

4. peel:programmable electrically erasable logic; 可编程电可擦逻辑电路

5. peel:programmable electronically erasable logic; 电可擦可编程逻辑

peel 词典解释

1. (水果)皮,外皮
    The peel of a fruit such as a lemon or an apple is its skin.

    e.g. ...grated lemon peel.

2. 剥皮;去皮;削皮
    When you peel fruit or vegetables, you remove their skins.


    e.g. She sat down in the kitchen and began peeling potatoes.

3. 剥掉;剥落
    If you peel off something that has been sticking to a surface or if it peels off, it comes away from the surface.


    e.g. One of the kids was peeling plaster off the wall...
    e.g. It took me two days to peel off the labels...

4. 掉漆
    If a surface is peeling, the paint on it is coming away.


    e.g. Its once-elegant white pillars are peeling.

5. (通常因为晒伤而)脱皮,起皮
    If you are peeling or if your skin is peeling, small pieces of skin are coming off, usually because you have been burned by the sun.


    e.g. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn.

6. to keep your eyes peeled -> see eye

相关词组:peel off

peel 单语例句


1. While the cake is baking, prepare the candied peel and glaze.

2. You can also make candied peel from the skin, to be scattered over salads or as a topping for the cupcakes.

3. Spread a spoonful of glaze on top of each cake and top with strips of candied peel.

4. Peel the ginger and smash it flat with the side of a Chinese cleaver.

5. Childs said the cinnamon and fresh ginger help to peel away the top layer of dead skin cells and to improve circulation.

6. A subtle wine, its fresh nose opens with citrus peel notes and light floral tones.

7. Sometimes, a piece of aged citrus peel is added for better flavor and more medicinal value.

8. This year, simply daub her crinkly body in this stuff and watch the years peel away.

9. You can peel without soaking as they will absorb the water, or wipe several times with a clean damp cloth.

10. Peel the potatoes and drop into slightly salted water while you finish peeling every one.

peel 英英释义


1. the rind of a fruit or vegetable

    Synonym: skin


1. get undressed

    e.g. please don't undress in front of everybody!
           She strips in front of strangers every night for a living

    Synonym: undressdiscaseuncaseunclothestripstrip downdisrobe

2. come off in flakes or thin small pieces

    e.g. The paint in my house is peeling off

    Synonym: peel offflake offflake

3. strip the skin off

    e.g. pare apples

    Synonym: skinpare

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