
penetrate是什么意思 penetrate在线翻译 penetrate什么意思 penetrate的意思 penetrate的翻译 penetrate的解释 penetrate的发音 penetrate的同义词

penetrate [ˈpenɪtreɪt]  [ˈpɛnɪˌtret] 


penetrate 基本解释


及物动词渗入; 穿透,刺入; 秘密潜入; 洞悉,明了

不及物动词穿透,穿过; 进入,渗入; 洞悉

penetrate 相关例句


1. She had a wig on, but we soon penetrated her disguise.

2. The organization was penetrated and the survivors fled.

3. The odor penetrated the whole room.


1. Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.

2. penetrate的意思

2. The rain had penetrated through his clothes.

penetrate 网络解释

1. 渗透:这个研究同时也发现政府能力对民主化的影响. 政府的能力不仅直接影响民主化本身,而且,它还通过影响对地区发展模式的选择和阶级结构而对民主化产生间接影响. 我的基本结论是:强政府不利于民主化. 道理很简单,如果没有权力和别的社会力量制约它,强政府将有控制和渗透(penetrate)社会的倾向.

2. penetrate什么意思

2. 洞察:修习内观禅,需要努力排除概念(Pannati),深入洞察(Penetrate)诸法实相(Paramattha),以获取解脱智能(Panna). 所以,正当禅修方法的主要特色,应是其能当下直接深入洞察诸法实相的能力. 若无上述这种能力,一个人最终仍祇会流浪在形像领域的表面上,

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 渗透--刺入:Avoid--消除--躲避; | Penetrate--渗透--刺入; | Decoy--诱骗--誘餌;

penetrate 词典解释

1. 渗入;进入;穿过;穿透
    If something or someone penetrates a physical object or an area, they succeed in getting into it or passing through it.


    e.g. X-rays can penetrate many objects...
    e.g. His men had been ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to penetrate the area.

The exterior walls are three to three and a half feet thick to prevent penetration by bombs.
...moves designed to block enemy penetrations.

2. 进入;跻身
    If someone penetrates an organization, a group, or a profession, they succeed in entering it although it is difficult to do so.

    e.g. ...the continuing failure of women to penetrate the higher levels of engineering...
    e.g. The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate.

3. 打入,渗透(敌人或竞争对手内部)
    If someone penetrates an enemy group or a rival organization, they succeed in joining it in order to get information or cause trouble.

    e.g. The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich...
    e.g. The army was one of the few institutions the secret police were not encouraged to penetrate.

...the successful penetration by the KGB of the French intelligence service.

4. 进入,打入(市场或地区)
    If a company or country penetrates a market or area, they succeed in selling their products there.

    e.g. There have been around 15 attempts from outside France to penetrate the market.

...import penetration across a broad range of heavy industries.

5. 了解;洞察;领悟
    If you penetrate something that is difficult to understand, you succeed in understanding it.

    e.g. ...long answers that were often difficult to penetrate.

penetrate 单语例句

1. By comparison, microwaves used in the common kitchen appliance penetrate several centimeters of flesh.

2. All of these efforts to highlight Cathay's Chinese roots are being made to help it further penetrate the mainland market.

3. Gamma rays would not penetrate Earth's atmosphere well to burn the ground, but they would chemically damage the stratosphere.

4. One of the company's goals was to develop strategies to penetrate the African market.

5. Not only did the evil of corruption find a way to penetrate their ranks, but also there were problems concerning unfair law enforcement that affected our legal system.

6. SAS executives said previously this year is critical for the company as it strives to penetrate the market more deeply.

7. The technology enables the missile to avoid radar detection and penetrate undetected through any hostile defensive system.

8. The principal advantage is that the technology need not penetrate a pregnant woman's womb to extract fetal tissues for prenatal diagnosis.

9. The Italian side tried hard for an equalizer, but the Argentinean defense line was too strong for them to penetrate.

10. " We want to penetrate the Chinese market systematically because that will allow exponential growth, " he said.

penetrate 英英释义


1. become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions

    e.g. It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
           she was penetrated with sorrow

    Synonym: clickget throughdawncome homeget acrosssink infall into place

2. come to understand

    Synonym: fathombottom

3. pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance

    e.g. The bullet penetrated her chest

    Synonym: perforate

4. spread or diffuse through

    e.g. An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
           music penetrated the entire building
           His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks

    Synonym: permeatepervadeinterpenetratediffuseimbueriddle

5. insert the penis into the vagina or anus of

    e.g. Did the molester penetrate the child?

6. make one's way deeper into or through

    e.g. The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest

7. enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members

    e.g. The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor

    Synonym: infiltrate

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