
perennial是什么意思 perennial在线翻译 perennial什么意思 perennial的意思 perennial的翻译 perennial的解释 perennial的发音 perennial的同义词

perennial [pəˈreniəl]  [pəˈrɛniəl] 


perennial 基本解释


形容词多年生的; 终年的,长久的; 不断生长的; 四季不断的

名词多年生植物; 长期存在的

perennial 同义词

perennial 反义词


perennial 网络解释

1. perennial什么意思

1. 多年生:按照草的生长期限又分为多年生(Perennial)和一年生(Annual)以及两年生等. 另外,在冬季以及对于棚养的奶牛和小牛,大麦、干草、青贮发酵饲料(silage)、麸皮(cash crop waste)、乳清(whey,制作奶赂的副产品)等也是饲料.

2. 常年性:临床上一般分为常年性(perennial)尽信书不如无书但临床表现与上述两型变应性鼻炎相似,称血管运动性鼻炎或称神经反射性鼻炎,刺激可来自体外(物理、化学方面),或来自体内(内分泌、精神方面),故有人看作即是变应性鼻炎,

3. 永久的:peremptory 绝对,强制的 | perennial 永久的 | perfect 无缺点,全然的; 改进,完成

4. 长期的:turnaround转变 | perennial长期的 | lavish浪费的,滥用的

perennial 词典解释

1. (尤指问题或困难)永恒的,持续的,亘古不变的
    You use perennial to describe situations or states that keep occurring or which seem to exist all the time; used especially to describe problems or difficulties.

    e.g. ...the perennial urban problems of drugs and homelessness...
    e.g. There's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications.

Both services are perennially short of staff.

2. (植物)多年生的
    A perennial plant lives for several years and has flowers each year.

    e.g. ...a perennial herb with greenish-yellow flowers.

perennial 单语例句

1. Though wools and cottons are perennial staples of cartoon gold miners and grandparents, long underwear has undergone a major overhaul in recent years.

2. The lack of a centrally controlled regulatory system is considered a key defect underpinning China's perennial food and drug safety woes.

3. His perennial effort helped shape his own style and comprehension of calligraphy - giving expression to the soul of his work.

4. The control of private capital over public power has been a perennial problem in Western capitalist democracy.

5. It has been a perennial problem, despite the continuous corrective efforts.

6. The Beijing government is to be applauded for tackling this perennial problem and making a difficult decision.

7. Chinese professional football has long been labelled a perennial underachiever in the world, but its enormous potential market is proving an irresistable temptation for leading clubs and companies.

8. And the study cut to the heart of that perennial question on whether you can really learn to be a successful entrepreneur.

9. " Speechless " in large font even appeared on one front page in response to China's perennial flop on the international stage.

10. There are dozens of fishing and barbeque spots in the district's 10 villages that are a perennial favorite with visiting urbanites on weekends and holidays.

perennial 英英释义


1. (botany) a plant lasting for three seasons or more


1. recurring again and again

    e.g. perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements

    Synonym: recurrentrepeated

2. lasting three seasons or more

    e.g. the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant

3. lasting an indefinitely long time
    suggesting self-renewal

    e.g. perennial happiness

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