
persuasion是什么意思 persuasion在线翻译 persuasion什么意思 persuasion的意思 persuasion的翻译 persuasion的解释 persuasion的发音 persuasion的同义词

persuasion [pəˈsweɪʒn]  [pərˈsweɪʒn] 


persuasion 基本解释


名词劝说,说服(力); 信仰

persuasion 同义词

persuasion 反义词

persuasion 相关例句


1. It is my persuasion that such people should not be allowed to enter this country.

2. After a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go.

persuasion 网络解释

1. persuasion

1. (劝导):与此前问世的<<理智与情感>>(Sense and Sensibility)、<<爱玛>>(Emma)、<<劝导>>(Persuasion)和<<曼斯菲尔德庄园>>(Mansfield Park)相类似,它对十九世纪初的英国社会也做出许多新颖、严肃的阐释.

2. persuasion的意思

2. 劝服:英国导演罗杰米契尔(Roger Mich#ll)1956年出生於南非,1995年改编知名英国女作家珍奥斯汀的小说作品<<劝服>>(Persuasion),获得英国影艺学院最佳电视剧奖.

persuasion 词典解释

1. 说服;劝说
    Persuasion is the act of persuading someone to do something or to believe that something is true.


    e.g. Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all...
    e.g. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.

2. 信仰;信念
    If you are of a particular persuasion, you have a particular belief or set of beliefs.


    e.g. It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions...
    e.g. Fortunately for me, my kids are of the persuasion that their failings are of their own making.

persuasion 单语例句

1. The White House has finally recognized openness to compromise would be better than coercive persuasion, amid implicit pressure from Capitol Hill.

2. Too urgent a demand was imposed on the transformation and careful persuasion work was forgone, and the transition was made too rapidly and too uniformly.

3. So it has taken a nuclear scientist for many in China to come to terms with the art of persuasion in the international political arena.

4. With foreign support, they have come to control the machines of political power and public persuasion.

5. Clinton believes in the ancient Roman poet Terence's declaration that " in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first ".

6. The people left after hours of persuasion by local police and officials.

7. It took me weeks of persuasion before my girlfriend agreed to date me.

8. When Zhang started to list some figures to support his opinions, the two young men ran away quickly as if they couldn't endure his persuasion anymore.

9. NO Beijing's wealth of international restaurants of every persuasion is one of the most enticing surprises for newcomers to the city.

10. While not all fitness centres seem receptive to the idea at first, many workers are using their powers of persuasion to negotiate special rates.

persuasion 英英释义


1. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

    e.g. my opinion differs from yours
           I am not of your persuasion
           what are your thoughts on Haiti?

    Synonym: opinionsentimentviewthought

2. the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade)
    communication intended to induce belief or action

    Synonym: suasion

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