
pervasive是什么意思 pervasive在线翻译 pervasive什么意思 pervasive的意思 pervasive的翻译 pervasive的解释 pervasive的发音 pervasive的同义词

pervasive [pəˈveɪsɪv]  [pərˈveɪsɪv] 

pervasive 基本解释

形容词普遍的; 扩大的; 渗透的; 弥漫的

副词无处不在地; 遍布地

名词无处不在; 遍布


pervasive 网络解释

1. 无处不在的:莱考夫和约翰逊继承了雷迪的思想,他们也认为,隐喻在日常生活中是无处不在的(pervasive),不但在语言中,而且在思想和行为中,我们赖以进行思考和行动的日常概念系统,在本质上也基本是隐喻性的.

2. pervasive什么意思

2. 普遍深入的 弥漫的:invasion入侵 | pervasive普遍深入的 弥漫的 | v-vade-走

3. 普遍的:sectionC-C: 错题1 | pervasive 普遍的 | versatility n.多功能性

4. 普遍深入的:Multiculturalism and diversity文化多元 | Pervasive普遍深入的 | Motto座右铭

pervasive 词典解释

1. 遍布的;贯穿始终的;四处弥漫的
    Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.

    e.g. ...the pervasive influence of the army in national life...
    e.g. She lives with a pervasive sense of guilt.

...the pervasiveness of computer technology.

pervasive 单语例句

1. Such practices have become so pervasive that it takes little more than commonsense to ferret out a solution.

2. The cynicism is so pervasive that the grassroots reaction can be summed up by the old saying " the rich are not kind ".

3. The clock was ticking, and a pervasive sense of pessimism and despair began to fill the conference center.

4. The disciplinary authority of the Communist Party of China vowed to use much harsher measures to combat the pervasive corruption of Chinese officials.

5. China's temporary residence permit system has long been criticized for its pervasive negative effects on people's welfare and economic efficiency.

6. There can be no meaningful enjoyment of human rights if poverty is pervasive and hunger and disease stalk the land.

7. Tax evasion is so pervasive that it's found not just among the more affluent classes, but has almost become a cultural practice.

8. And the public is getting the impression that corruption might be becoming more pervasive in some areas from the frequent media exposure of scandals.

9. Microsoft's Toulouse said the company needed time to make sure it got the fix right, especially given how pervasive the vulnerability is in the software.

10. These pervasive failures appear to be due mostly to a government's inability to align its efforts with its country's resource base and level of development.

pervasive 英英释义


1. spreading or spread throughout

    e.g. armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations
           the pervasive odor of garlic
           an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion

    Synonym: permeantpermeatingpermeative

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