
petrify是什么意思 petrify在线翻译 petrify什么意思 petrify的意思 petrify的翻译 petrify的解释 petrify的发音 petrify的同义词 petrify的反义词

petrify [ˈpetrɪfaɪ]  [ˈpɛtrəˌfaɪ] 


petrify 基本解释



petrify 相关例句


1. The bird was petrified as the snake came near.

petrify 网络解释

1. 石化:万能药(Remedy) 战斗不能、迟缓、停止、死亡宣告、体力0以外的可解除的不良状态万能药改(Remedy+)、治疗指令(Treatment) 战斗不能以外的可解除的不利状态圣灵药(Elixir)、终级圣灵药(Megalixir)毒(Poison) 石化(Petrify) 黑暗(Darkn

2. (石化,战斗结束不可自动恢复):MINI (缩小,战斗结束可自动恢复) | PETRIFY (石化,战斗结束不可自动恢复) | VENOM (深度中毒,战斗结束不可自动恢复)

3. 石化,吓呆:putrefy 逐渐腐烂并发生恶臭 | petrify 石化,吓呆 | sully 玷污

4. 使惊呆:drawer 抽屉 | petrify 使惊呆 | dangle 悬挂

petrify 双语例句

1. We fall in love, we lose and once we fall suddenly we petrify.

2. And not to mention they`re dead scared that Harry will Petrify them if they fly anywhere near him.

3. The game is over when all party members are afflicted with Death, Zombie, or Petrify.
    当所有的队员处于即死、僵尸或者石化状态时,将会 Game Over。

4. And, this paper is focus on studying the significance of Petri net in asynchronous circuit and designing asynchronous circuit based on STG and Petrify.
    并且主要研究Petri网在异步电路设计中的重要意义,研究基于信号转移图(Signal Transition Graphs,STG)与Petrify的异步电路设计。

5. Local modules can be encapsulated as nodes of GALS system by the way of handshake protocol circuit based on four-phase single-track protocol. STG (Signal Transition Graph) of synchronous to asynchronous read-write conversion interface has been established through the method of Petri net.

6. If civilization was not to wither or petrify.

7. People are apt to petrify, even at a University, if they follow the same paths too persistently.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. People are apt to petrify, even at a University, if they follow the same paths too persistently

9. Dants was on the way he desired to follow, and was moving towards the end he wished to achieve; his heart was in a fair way of petrify ing in his bosom

10. To convert to a mineral substance; petrify.

11. petrify什么意思

11. Thus a proposition may petrify into pseudo-scientific dogma or become genuine knowledge, depending on whether we are prepared to state observable conditions which would refute it.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. And as the frantic wielders of these weapons snatched them from the stream of sparks and tore away into the streets, the same red hue was red in their frenzied eyes; --eyes which any unbrutalised beholder would have given twenty years of life, to petrify with a well-directed gun.

petrify 词典解释

1. 使吓呆;使惊呆
    If something petrifies you, it makes you feel very frightened.

    e.g. Prison petrifies me and I don't want to go there.

I found the climb absolutely petrifying.

2. (使)停止变化;(使)停止发展
    If something such as a society or institution petrifies, or if something petrifies it, it stops changing and developing.


    e.g. ...the fear that a political deadlock may petrify economic initiatives.

petrify 英英释义



1. cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned

    e.g. The horror petrified his feelings
           Fear petrified her thinking

2. make rigid and set into a conventional pattern

    e.g. rigidify the training schedule
           ossified teaching methods
           slogans petrify our thinking

    Synonym: rigidifyossify

3. change into stone

    e.g. the wood petrified with time

    Synonym: lapidify

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