
pinnacle是什么意思 pinnacle在线翻译 pinnacle什么意思 pinnacle的意思 pinnacle的翻译 pinnacle的解释 pinnacle的发音 pinnacle的同义词

pinnacle [ˈpɪnəkl]  [ˈpɪnəkəl] 


pinnacle 基本解释

名词顶峰; 顶点; 尖顶; [建](哥德式建筑的)小尖塔

及物动词为…加尖塔; 把…放在高处


pinnacle 相关例句


1. It represents the pinnacle of intellectual capability.

pinnacle 网络解释

1. 小尖塔:别针(FINIAL) 一种安置在三角墙(GABLE)、小尖塔(PINNACLE)或类似的尖形建筑物顶端的相对较小的装饰元素. 丙烯(ACRYLIC) 从1960年左右开始使用的一种颜料(PIGMENTS)的可塑性粘合媒介(MEDIUM),可溶于水(彩图151、164).

2. 岩峰:称为砾漠(gravel desert)与岩漠(rock desert). 蒙古的戈壁即是以砾漠和岩漠为主要形态. 风蚀也可造成许多奇岩怪石,如将岩块磨成多稜面的风稜石(ventifacts). 或在水平沉积岩区,残余许多平顶的方山(mesa)及孤立的岩峰(pinnacle).

pinnacle 词典解释

1. 尖锥形石;尖岩
    A pinnacle is a pointed piece of stone or rock that is high above the ground.

    e.g. A walker fell 80ft from a rocky pinnacle.

2. 顶峰;极点;顶点
    If someone reaches the pinnacle of their career or the pinnacle of a particular area of life, they are at the highest point of it.

    e.g. John Major has reached the pinnacle of British politics...
    e.g. She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.

pinnacle 单语例句

1. All grottoes created during these two periods reached the pinnacle of the development of stone carving at that time and differed from grottoes created earlier.

2. From them, a white sphere and an ember pinnacle were dimly seen.

3. The local heating supplier posted a power cut notice in November after Pinnacle failed to pay up millions of yuan in electricity fees.

4. It was also the pinnacle of Ali's dramatic career and for legions of his fans its status as a sporting event is almost sacred.

5. Most playoff spots have now been settled and those teams now have an eye on the pinnacle of the game - the Super Bowl.

6. US presidents and their wives have been an amorous lot, their White House years coming at the pinnacle of lives entwined.

7. Best combined mercurial talent with pop star looks, a combination that vaulted him to the pinnacle of celebrity in London's Swinging Sixties.

8. The stunning coin is the pinnacle of ingenuity and innovation for which the Perth Mint is renowned.

9. He jumped at the chance to coach in the Olympic Games, describing it as the " pinnacle " of his ambitions.

10. Hong Lou Meng is universally considered to be the pinnacle of Chinese fiction.

pinnacle 英英释义


1. (architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower

2. a lofty peak

3. the highest level or degree attainable
    the highest stage of development

    e.g. his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty
           the artist's gifts are at their acme
           at the height of her career
           the peak of perfection
           summer was at its peak
           ...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame
           the summit of his ambition
           so many highest superlatives achieved by man
           at the top of his profession

    Synonym: acmeheightelevationpeaksummitsuperlativemeridiantiptoptop


1. raise on or as if on a pinnacle

    e.g. He did not want to be pinnacled

2. surmount with a pinnacle

    e.g. pinnacle a pediment

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