
piscatorial是什么意思 piscatorial在线翻译 piscatorial什么意思 piscatorial的意思 piscatorial的翻译 piscatorial的解释 piscatorial的发音

piscatorial [ˌpɪskəˈtɔ:riəl]  [ˌpɪskəˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-] 

piscatorial 基本解释


piscatorial 网络解释

1. 渔业的:piscator 捕鱼人 | piscatorial 渔业的 | piscatory 捕鱼的

2. 渔民的:piscator 捕鱼人 | piscatorial 渔民的 | piscatorial 渔业的

3. piscatorial

3. 捕鱼的,渔民的:piscator 捕鱼人 | piscatorial 捕鱼的,渔民的 | piscatology 捕鱼学

4. 鱼类的; 渔业的; 渔民的; 捕鱼的 (形):piscatology 捕鱼学 (名) | piscatorial 鱼类的; 渔业的; 渔民的; 捕鱼的 (形) | Pisces 双鱼座; 双鱼宫 (名)

piscatorial 双语例句

1. In reforming and opening in 20 years, fujian is coastal fishing area dispatch fast rise abruptly, 1997, total output of complete province aquatic product amounts to 4.293 million tons, grow 6.9 than 1978 times, piscatorial production value already from what whole agriculture takes 20 years ago 5.4% rise to 28%; fisherman per capita 3815 yuan, 21.3 grow before comparing 20 years times.

2. Piscatorial resource is distinctive, produce have fine scale, horse Su He is bow-backed 3 kinds of salmon and beach head fish.

3. Our country is a piscatorial big country.

4. Enter 21 centuries, piscatorial industry structural adjustment and optimize the inevitable choice that makes piscatorial production.

5. In market economy moving mechanism falls, those who opened piscatorial resource development to use a climax is prelusive.

6. piscatorial的反义词

6. Should regard the zoology of piscatorial area, environment, resource, economy and society as the old system of a mutual correlation.

7. Suffer the effect that governmental function transforms, measure of original piscatorial administration administration and means also are weakened.

8. The competition ability of piscatorial enterprise besides sufferring overall environment to affect, still suffer industry environment effect.

9. piscatorial什么意思

9. But the influence as a result of acceptor acceptor, objective element, piscatorial economy is immersed in trough.

10. Also assessing the potential exploitation of the brine resources of well from the aspects of quantity and quality, in order to instruct it reasonable in development and using, then realized the ultimate purpose of sustainable development of the piscatorial garden.

11. Piscatorial area 1.1 million Km2, fishery is resourceful, it is one of nations with the largest reserve of resource of the fishery on the world, also be Africa the biggest country yield a fish and exit country, among them the crop of pilchard and first place of world of export volume house.

12. Put forward piscatorial technology economy to analyse the principle that should hold.

13. piscatorial的解释

13. What regulation does piscatorial breed aquatics have with the sea?

14. The right to piscatorial environment is an environmental protection right of fishery right holders when they do aquatic breeding or fishing at the licensed fishery waters.

15. Effects of population development and transition of consuming pattern on Chinese piscatorial

16. piscatorial

16. Briny aquaculture income for fishermen, piscatorial synergism and people is prandial structure improvement to make important contribution, briny aquaculture as global aquatic product supply the main mode of production has its great development potential.

17. Heavy metal pollution in piscatorial environment has aroused extensive attention, and it becomes the main matter as the ocean resources and environment research, and it has received more and more attention about the affect that heavy metals to the seafood.

18. A preliminary analysis of the influences on piscatorial economics from water body contamination of Daye Lake

19. The effect of Ulva Pertusa on the removal of nutrient salt in piscatorial wastewater was studied.

piscatorial 英英释义


1. relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing

    e.g. a piscatory life

    Synonym: piscatory

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