
pity是什么意思 pity在线翻译 pity什么意思 pity的意思 pity的翻译 pity的解释 pity的发音 pity的同义词 pity的反义词 pity的例句 pity的相关词组

pity [ˈpɪti]  [ˈpɪti] 


pity 基本解释

名词怜悯; 同情; 可惜的事; 憾事

及物动词对…表示怜悯; 对…感到同情

pity 相关词组


1. out of pity : 出于同情;

pity 相关例句


1. pity的解释

1. They will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy.


1. I felt great pity for the woman whose baby died.

2. The villagers took pity on the hungry travellers and gave them hot food.

3. She never asked for pity before.

pity 情景对话


A:What a pity we’ve lost such a great man!


B:Yes, indeed.



A:I'd better be going.

B:So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer?


A:I wish I could, but it's already late.

B:Oh, it's a pity that you have to leave.

A:Thank you for a wonderful meal.

B:I'm glad you enjoyed it.

pity 网络解释

1. 同情:双手握拳,也常常头一扬,嘴里咂咂有声,同时还可能眨眨眼睛或者眼珠向上和向一侧转动,也表示愤怒、厌烦、急燥. 18、怜悯、同情(pity):头摇来摇去,同里嘴里发出咂咂之声,嘴里还说thats......(全文共1019字)

2. (觉得)可怜 憾事, 怜悯, 同情:geodetic surveying tape 大地测量卷尺 | pity (觉得)可怜 憾事, 怜悯, 同情 | solidungulate 单蹄的,马科的

pity 词典解释

1. 同情;怜悯;可怜
    If you feel pity for someone, you feel very sorry for them.

    e.g. He felt a sudden tender pity for her...
    e.g. She knew that she was an object of pity among her friends.

2. 同情;怜悯;可怜
    If you pity someone, you feel very sorry for them.

    e.g. I don't know whether to hate or pity him.

3. 可惜的事;遗憾的事
    If you say that it is a pity that something is the case, you mean that you feel disappointment or regret about it.


    e.g. It is a great pity that all pupils in the city cannot have the same chances...
    e.g. Pity you haven't got your car, isn't it...

4. 仁慈;慈悲
    If someone shows pity, they do not harm or punish someone they have power over.


    e.g. One should avoid showing too much pity...
    e.g. She saw no pity in their faces.

5. 不幸的是;遗憾的是
    If you add more's the pity to a comment, you are expressing your disappointment or regret about something.

    e.g. But my world isn't your world, more's the pity.

6. (尤在恼怒或不快时用于强调)行行好,发发慈悲吧
    You can say for pity's sake to add emphasis to what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed or upset.

    e.g. 'Run, Katherine. For pity's sake run!' he screamed.

7. 对…表示同情;对…表示怜悯
    If you take pity on someone, you feel sorry for them and help them.

    e.g. No woman had ever felt the need to take pity on him before.

8. (用于强调)可惜的是,遗憾的是
    If you say the pity is that, or the pity of it is that, before a comment, you are emphasizing your disappointment or regret about something.

    e.g. The pity is that it was all completely unnecessary...
    e.g. The pity of it was that the Americans didn't play cricket.

pity 单语例句

1. It is a pity that I cannot go back to China by then, but I will give my best wishes and all my genuine supports.

2. " It's certainly a pity we cannot join in the great event, " said Wang.

3. But when people think of parenting here, they cannot help but feel pity for those poor local dads.

4. A pity then farmers'issues failed to feature heavily in group discussions and catch the attention of media during the recently concluded two sessions.

5. When Xiao met an old addict who was in pain, he took pity on the dying man and gave him a bit of opium.

6. What a pity that the two sides seem unable to do the same now when their values and economies have become closer.

7. It is a pity that experienced sailors are still remarkably rare in a country with such a long coastline and such strong maritime traditions.

8. It is really a pity that this subject - so intriguing and compelling - has been developed into such a colorless and lukewarm film.

9. The pity is that all these achievements are still harbored in the certificates of commendation.

10. " It is a pity the Noda administration did not give its full support to Niwa, " Asahi Shimbun said.

pity 英英释义


1. the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it

    Synonym: compassion

2. an unfortunate development

    e.g. it's a pity he couldn't do it

    Synonym: shame

3. a feeling of sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others

    e.g. the blind are too often objects of pity

    Synonym: commiserationruthpathos


1. share the suffering of

    Synonym: feel forcompassionatecondole withsympathize with

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