
pizzazz是什么意思 pizzazz在线翻译 pizzazz什么意思 pizzazz的意思 pizzazz的翻译 pizzazz的解释 pizzazz的发音 pizzazz的同义词 pizzazz的反义词

pizzazz [pɪˈzæz]  [pɪˈzæz] 

pizzazz 基本解释


pizzazz 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 活力:glamorous 富有魅力的 | pizzazz 活力 | natural progression 自然发展

2. 花哨样式:PIXIE小精灵– 1960 | PIZZAZZ花哨样式 – 1984 | POPOV 鬆餅–

3. 我喜欢的食物:如果我是超人,我要emo woman | 我喜欢的食物pizzazz | 我讨厌preps

4. 活力, 精力:deafening 震耳欲聾的; 極喧鬧的 | pizzazz 活力, 精力 | demonized 著魔的

pizzazz 双语例句

1. The Latin America trip, which will include a visit to Trinidad and Tobago, may not be as high-profile; for one thing, First Lady Michelle Obama, who gave the Europe trip an added touch of pizzazz, is staying back in Washington.

2. The real pizzazz is the brave under heavy pressure, the confidence under adversity, the stir in arduousness, and the adaptation and modulability in any environment.

3. SiMing Lake has West Lake's beauty and Dong Ting Lake's pizzazz.

4. With I Hear Music, Ruby Braff and friends continue to infuse excitement and pizzazz into traditional forms of jazz.

5. To lack ※该句原始句子为You`ve enjoyed learning about some topics that, while you lack in pizzazz, are some of the most important issues in Taiwan.
    While 引导的子句中的主词和主要子句的主词一样,所以可以省略主词you,而且缺少精神和人之间的关系是主动的,所以要用现在分词,lack 改为动名词。

6. pizzazz

6. You won`t find superficial pizzazz or two-minute-wonder fashion trends on our sunbeds. Clear lines, quality surface finishes and fascinating lighting effects will enthral your customers now and in years to come.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases within the past two years.
    在Park Hill区的Thespian剧院,Pizzazz比萨,Niblick高尔夫俱乐部在过去2年都有业务增长。

8. pizzazz

8. Thefirm. district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have
    在 ParkHill 区的 Thespian 剧院,Pizzazz 比萨,Niblick 高尔夫俱乐部在过去2年都有业务增长。

9. Your long legs look fabulous in leggings and tights, and when you wear form-fitting jeans, put on some slinky high-heeled boots to add to your pizzazz.

10. This is a solid choice for Shabbat lunch with a bit more pizzazz than an Israeli or French varietal.

11. The show brings some Broadway pizzazz to london's West end.

12. The polls showed that the candidate was thought to have no charisma, no pizzazz, no passion.

13. pizzazz在线翻译

13. I wanted to create a theme that displayed it's content in a traditional way (similar to Basic), but with a bit more pizzazz!

14. But if a speaker doesn't project pizzazz and show devotion to her topic, the speech may still fall flat on its well-prepared face.

15. pizzazz是什么意思

15. Bat will go back to the " core of our product " by upgrading flavour and other inherent qualities rather than investing in promotional pizzazz, says Mr Wheaton.

16. pizzazz

16. If you are what you eat, maybe pizza will give you more pizzazz.

17. pizzazz什么意思

17. It`s definitely great for anyone who wants to add a little bit of pizzazz to their pictures!

18. You friends and family members can enjoy this pizzazz puzzle too.

19. There is not the pizzazz, too.

20. There`s no one word to describe its beauty and pizzazz.

pizzazz 词典解释

1. 激情;活力;气派
    If you say that someone or something has pizzazz, you mean that they are very exciting, energetic, and stylish.

    e.g. ...a young woman with a lot of energy and pizzazz.

pizzazz 单语例句

1. Your rooftop can be as enticing as a Patagonian mountain setting with a little imagination, a dash of your personal flair and lots of pizzazz!

2. The judges are also trying to decide who among them has enough talent and pizzazz to be a role model and inspiration to others.

3. This tasty restaurant is sure to add some pizzazz to the taste palate.

4. Those with the right blend of pizzazz and experience are fiercely pursued, says Carter.

pizzazz 英英释义


1. the activeness of an energetic personality

    Synonym: dynamismpizzazoomphzing

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