
placement是什么意思 placement在线翻译 placement什么意思 placement的意思 placement的翻译 placement的解释 placement的发音 placement的同义词

placement [ˈpleɪsmənt]  [ˈpleɪsmənt] 


placement 基本解释


名词安置,放置; 实习工作,实习课; 定位,[足]定位球

placement 网络解释

1. placement在线翻译

1. 布局:适当的选择元件和佈局(placement)可减低传导和幅射耦合. 数位电路的应用,若能从佈局(layout)阶段就谨慎的规画,检测时又能对重点信号详细检测,相信做出一块跑得稳的板子不是问题. 记住一些常用观念,

2. placement的翻译

2. 位置:Google Earth聚焦到一个位置(placement)并请求一张图片. 7. 用户点击placement中的一个链接,触发表单服务器生成并返回一个表单. 8. 学生填写表单,然后继续旅行. 9. 如此几番后,学生退出会话,引发应用向相关教师发送一个将学生的回答转化为专用格式报告的email,

3. 安排:SERP有时候定义为搜寻引擎结果的安排(placement). 根据本系列的目的,我将其称为页面而不是安排. 在SEO领域中,在SERP中取得良好的表现就是一切. 垃圾技术(Spamming) 垃圾技术是一种欺诈性的SEO手段,它尝试欺骗爬行器(spider),

placement 词典解释

1. 放置;布置;部署
    The placement of something or someone is the act of putting them in a particular place or position.


    e.g. The treatment involves the placement of twenty-two electrodes in the inner ear.

2. (培训中的)实习安排
    If someone who is training gets a placement, they get a job for a period of time which is intended to give them experience in the work they are training for.

    e.g. He had a six-month work placement with the Japanese government.

3. (人员的)安插,安置
    The placement of someone in a job, home, or school is the act or process of finding them a job, home, or school.

    e.g. The children were waiting for placement in a foster care home...
    e.g. A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed.

4. 收容所;安置所
    You can refer to a home that is found for someone who is unable to look after themselves, for example a child, as a placement .

    e.g. This home seemed like a good placement for Sarah.

placement 单语例句

1. Its core capital adequacy ratio would rise to more than 7 percent after the placement, the bank said.

2. The placement would boost its capital adequacy ratio above 10 percent, it added.

3. The company said it will use proceeds from the placement as well as bank loans and cash on hand to pay for the acquisitions.

4. The employment situation worsened in the third quarter in Shanghai, according to statistics from the Shanghai Job Placement Center.

5. Volunteers are staying at the funeral home, hospitals and a placement center near the collision site to help families find lost ones.

6. The special care and placement system is one by which the Chinese Government provides materials and expresses compassion mainly for servicemen and their families.

7. The investigation revealed that the agency collected excessive placement fees from the complainant.

8. The city will provide Chinese traders necessary assistance and legal aid concerning the placement of their goods and the setting up of a standardized market.

9. BEIJING - China's top legislature on Saturday adopted an amendment to the Military Service Law, promising better placement for demobilized soldiers.

10. Wai said competition for research degree programs has intensified from five applicants competing for one placement in ordinary years to six applicants this year.

placement 英英释义


1. contact established between applicants and prospective employees

    e.g. the agency provided placement services

2. the act of putting something in a certain place

    Synonym: locationlocatingpositionpositioningemplacement

3. the spatial property of the way in which something is placed

    e.g. the arrangement of the furniture
           the placement of the chairs

    Synonym: arrangement

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