
placid是什么意思 placid在线翻译 placid什么意思 placid的意思 placid的翻译 placid的解释 placid的发音 placid的同义词 placid的反义词 placid的例句

placid [ˈplæsɪd]  [ˈplæsɪd] 

placid 基本解释

形容词温和的; 平和的,宁静的; 满意的,满足的; 平缓

placid 同义词

placid 反义词


placid 相关例句


1. Switzerland is much too placid for my taste.

placid 网络解释

1. 平静的:doubt怀疑 | placid平静的 | fanciful空想的

2. placid的解释

2. 平静温和的:stately 庄严的,雄伟的 | placid 平静温和的 | limpid 清澈透明的

3. 平静的,温和的:philanthropic慈善的,博爱的 | placid平静的,温和的 | pristine原始状态的,未受腐蚀的

4. 宁静之域:10000047 普罗维登斯 Providence | 10000048 宁静之域 Placid | 10000049 卡尼迪星域 Khanid

placid 词典解释

1. 平和的;温和的
    A placid person or animal is calm and does not easily become excited, angry, or upset.

    e.g. She was a placid child who rarely cried...
    e.g. Marcus remained placid in the face of her outburst.

'No matter, we will pay the difference,' Helena said placidly...
The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud.

2. 宁静的;平静的;安宁的
    A placid place, area of water, or life is calm and peaceful.

    e.g. ...the placid waters of Lake Erie...
    e.g. He had been leading a placid life for the past eight years.

placid 单语例句

1. Adding to their delight they ended the US unbeaten home streak stretching back to their last defeat to Canada at the 1932 Lake Placid Games.

2. They are large and potentially ferocious, very aggressive to strangers but extremely placid with their owners.

3. Regarded as a Chinese version of Shakespeare's " Hamlet, " the movie focuses on a furious battle for revenge underneath a deceptively placid surface.

4. Chinese stocks edged up today, seeing less turmoil and leaving a more placid trace behind.

5. His sharp look has also been replaced by an amiable and placid expression.

6. Leo Messi and Alexis Sanchez added further goals in the second half as Barcelona enjoyed a placid preparation for next week's trip to the capital.

7. " To win and to lose are both common for athletes, " Jia seemed more placid after years'of competition.

8. Even a usually placid pet may suddenly become unnerved by something they see or hear, and panic.

9. The vicious attacks in the normally placid country have left Norwegians appalled and shaky, but determined to move forward.

10. These distortions have aroused the normally placid communities of ethnic Chinese around the world.


placid 英英释义


1. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves

    e.g. a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay
           the quiet waters of a lagoon
           a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky
           a smooth channel crossing
           scarcely a ripple on the still water
           unruffled water

    Synonym: quietstilltranquilsmoothunruffled

2. not easily irritated

    e.g. an equable temper
           not everyone shared his placid temperament
           remained placid despite the repeated delays

    Synonym: equableeven-temperedgood-tempered

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