
plaits是什么意思 plaits在线翻译 plaits什么意思 plaits的意思 plaits的翻译 plaits的解释 plaits的发音 plaits的同义词 plaits的反义词 plaits的例句



plaits 基本解释

发辫,辫子( plait的名词复数 );把…编成辫绳( plait的第三人称单数 );

plaits 网络解释

1. plaits

1. 编织机:褶布机 plaiting machine | 编织机 plaits | 平面运动 plane motion

plaits 双语例句

1. Leaves began to shape from the end of March until September, and the growth of young leaves terminated in November. In February or March of the next year, the leaves shot out of the ground. Finally, they withered in May. In addition, 4 phases exist in the process of leaf shaping (buttress forming, primordium, straplike leaf and sheath). At first, the leaf primordium shapes the zonary leaf, and then the plaits are formed at the bilateral base of the zonary leaf. Finally, the plaits close and form sheaths.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Leaves began to shape from the end of March until September, and the growth of young leaves terminated in November. In February or March of the next year, the leaves shot out of the ground. Finally, they withered in May. In addition, 4 phases exist in the process of leaf shaping (buttress forming, primordium, straplike leaf and sheath).At first, the leaf primordium shapes the zonary leaf, and then the plaits are formed at the bilateral base of the zonary leaf. Finally, the plaits close and form sheaths.

3. plaits的近义词

3. She drew under her cloak two long thick plaits of her golden hair.

4. I had no abstraction how I, with my aflush appearance and abbreviate hair, could be mistaken for an Aymara woman with their bowler hats, continued plaits and ablaze skirts with bedlam hips!

5. plaits

5. Particularly, hair plaits were cut off, but chi-pao (one-piece mandarin robe) still exist.

6. She was about eleven, with long red hair in tow plaits.

7. Li showed off the plaits in her hair that Grandma had braided. Her mother had bought the yellow ribbons that tied them.

8. Marius wore no cravat, he had on his working-coat, which was destitute of buttons, his shirt was torn along one of the plaits on the bosom.

9. This is an alternative to copper plaits that does not open once cut, it is plaited directly into a round shape and can be produced tinned or untinned.

10. Plaits of wool, whether or not assembled into strips; mats and matting, of animal fibres.

11. plaits的反义词

11. Contact an address:The Chinese province Wuhan City river shore area dike Cape in Hubei small area city opens 3-1-202 You plaits in the star park:430011, the house give or get an electric shock:
      联系地址:武汉市江岸区堤角小区城开星园3-1-202 邮编:430011,宅电:

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. She was about eleven, with long red hair in two plaits. Her face was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes.

13. All the morning she was melancholy, said but little, and laid plaits in her sheets, murmuring the while, in a low voice, calculations which seemed to be calculations of distances.

14. plaits

14. The dough-twist style plaits are a symbol of Uygur girls.

15. Carpet of plaiting materials (excl. in plaits or similar products) bound together in parallel strands or woven

16. plaits是什么意思

16. According to the active rules of the railway bridge rating, the paper plaits the rate program of common bridges with FORTRAN language, designs the interface with Visual Basic, and then forms an existing railway bridge rating system with perfect functions.

17. plaits在线翻译

17. Two plaits fall over her shoulders.

18. I hope it isn't.'She looked sadly at her red plaits.'

19. The Unrest of the Cutting Plaits in Modern Shandong Province

20. We will make you plaits of gold With studs of silver.
      1:11 我们要为你编上金辫,镶上银钉。

plaits 单语例句


1. Girls keep long hair and arrange it into plaits decorated with red and green beads.

2. Boys'front hair is arranged into three plaits, one more than that of girls.

3. Four of the plaits extend down four sides of the dancers body.

4. A few doors down, a man plaits bits of pelt into a furry accessory.

5. As they never cut their hair, they have the luxury of braiding their long thick hair into dozens of thin plaits.

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