
plummet是什么意思 plummet在线翻译 plummet什么意思 plummet的意思 plummet的翻译 plummet的解释 plummet的发音 plummet的同义词 plummet的反义词

plummet [ˈplʌmɪt]  [ˈplʌmɪt] 


plummet 基本解释

不及物动词垂直落下; 骤然跌落

名词铅锤; 坠子; 重压物

plummet 相关例句


1. plummet是什么意思

1. The damaged aircraft plummeted down to earth.

plummet 网络解释

1. 骤然跌落:票面价值 par value | 骤然跌落 plummet | 集合基金 pool

2. 垂直落下,骤然跌落,暴跌:10.buying spree 狂购乱买 | 11.plummet 垂直落下,骤然跌落,暴跌 | 12.stall 停滞

3. 大幅下跌;暴泻;直线下降:plough back 把利润再投资 | plummet 大幅下跌;暴泻;直线下降 | plunge 大跌;急挫

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 铅锤:plummet 测锤 | plummet 铅锤 | plummet 铅垂线

plummet 词典解释

1. (数量、比率或价格)骤然下跌,暴跌
    If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount.

    e.g. In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day...
    e.g. The Prime Minister's popularity has plummeted to an all-time low in recent weeks...

2. (通常指从高处)快速落下,陡直掉下
    If someone or something plummets, they fall very fast towards the ground, usually from a great height.

    e.g. The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground...
    e.g. The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.

plummet 单语例句

1. He recalls their helicopter was struck by lightening when they flew over Cambodia in 2009, causing the aircraft to suddenly plummet 50 meters.

2. As the value of some CDOs plummet, ratings companies are pressing the insurers to add more capital.

3. The elections represented a crushing defeat for the opposition Democratic Party of Japan, which saw its seats in the chamber plummet to 113 from 177.

4. But some models predicted the colony's population would plummet by at least 95 percent, placing the birds there at risk of extinction.

5. The changes are designed to put some sizzle into the end of the year, when TV ratings plummet as golf struggles to compete against football.

6. A NASA team concluded a rocket engine shut off too soon, causing the craft to plummet about 130 feet to almost certain destruction.

7. Roh has seen his reformist credentials tarnished by a number of scandals involving former aides and also watched his ratings plummet to about 25 percent.

8. The incident has caused the relationship between China and the Philippines to plummet to its lowest ebb for years.

9. Hearty fare abounds in Inner Mongolia autonomous region where even during the summer months, overnight temperatures on the grasslands plummet to low single figures.

10. The airline is predicting a loss of 63 billion yen this fiscal year as sales plummet amid a global recession.

plummet 英英释义



1. the metal bob of a plumb line

    Synonym: plumb bobplumb


1. drop sharply

    e.g. The stock market plummeted

    Synonym: plump

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