
pocket money是什么意思 pocket money在线翻译 pocket money什么意思 pocket money的意思 pocket money的翻译 pocket money的解释 pocket money的发音

pocket money ['pɒkɪt 'mʌnɪ]  [ˈpɑkɪt ˈmʌni] 

pocket money 基本解释


pocket money 网络解释

1. 零用钱:男孩子则会每天清晨把当天报纸送到各家各户门口(delivering the newspapers),也会帮助街坊割草(mowing the lawn)、修饰庭院(renovating the yard). 这不仅让他们学会自己挣零用钱(pocket money),更能培养他们独立自主(independent)和社交的能力(social skills).

2. 两条牛仔龙:在拍摄<<穷山恶水>>的时候,马利克还是罗德学院(Rhodes Scholar)哲学系的学生,当时他29岁,和电影的唯一联系是曾做过<<两条牛仔龙>>(Pocket Money)的编剧.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 零花钱:内容要点:原因:1.家庭贫困 2.帮父母挣钱 3.学习有困难4.不原上学 5.这些原因中家庭贫困是主要原因 看法:每个孩子都应有受教育 机会,愿将自己 零花钱(pocket money)送给失学儿童.

4. (小孩)零花钱:pocket dictionary:袖珍词典 | pocket money : (小孩)零花钱 | change:零钱

pocket money 词典解释

1. (父母给孩子的)零用钱,零花钱
    Pocket money is money which children are given by their parents, usually every week.

    e.g. We agreed to give her £6 a week pocket money.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 allowance

2. 日常零用钱;挣得的小钱
    Pocket money is a small amount of money which you earn, and which you can use for buying things that you want.

pocket money是什么意思

    e.g. Volunteers receive £21 pocket money each week, accommodation and expenses.

pocket money 单语例句

1. He read a lot of books to learn how to look after it and later spent most of his pocket money on buying more beetles.

2. Being almost the lowest class in a city, they have too little pocket money to afford a call girl.

3. In order to prevent her from squandering cash, Zhang and his wife stopped giving her pocket money.

4. They tell Summer Teng how they saved up their scarce pocket money long and hard just to buy a Teresa Teng cassette.

5. The study also found a close correlation between adolescent smoking and pocket money.

6. Too much pocket money is given to children in Shanghai, showed a survey conducted by Adolescence Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

7. His parents keep giving him pocket money so he is content with the status quo while his head remains adrift in a cyberworld.

8. The youngster says she funds the team's daily expenses with her pocket money.

9. Many university students in Shanghai are earning pocket money and getting valuable experience by setting up street stalls after school.

10. They come to Beijing to earn money so it seems they prefer more bills in their pocket rather than look after their health.

pocket money 英英释义


1. cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses

    Synonym: pin moneyspending money

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