
poetic是什么意思 poetic在线翻译 poetic什么意思 poetic的意思 poetic的翻译 poetic的解释 poetic的发音 poetic的同义词 poetic的反义词 poetic的例句

poetic [pəʊˈetɪk]  [poʊˈetɪk] 

poetic 基本解释

形容词诗的,韵文的; 有诗意的; 诗人的

名词诗学; 诗论

poetic 同义词



poetic 反义词


poetic 相关例句


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The dancer, moved with poetic grace.

poetic 网络解释

1. 有诗意的:不过, 另一方面, Kevin也被称为最有诗意的(poetic), 因为他在1997年出版了一本诗集, 第2本诗集也即将出版. 最后一个, 也是长期以来被认为是dc Talk的主要灵魂人物(frontman of dc talk)的Toby McKeehan, 终于在2001年11月,

2. poetic什么意思

2. 詩歌:有冷色倾向的的中性色调,受到温暖的诗歌(poetic)感性的影响,变得温和了. 这个主题颜色是由东欧朴素、通俗文化的感觉与乐天派近代爵士流行音乐的感觉相互混合而来的,老(old)、新(new)、艺术的感性融合在里面. 失去平衡的感性加入破旧感觉的感性,

3. 诗意的:不过, 另一方面, Kevin也被称为最有诗意的(poetic), 因为他在1997年出版了一本诗集, 第2本诗集也即将出版. 最后一个, 也是长期以来被认为是dc Talk的主要灵魂人物(frontman of dc talk)的Toby McKeehan, 终于在2001年11月,

poetic 词典解释

1. 诗一般的;富有诗意的
    Something that is poetic is very beautiful and expresses emotions in a sensitive or moving way.


    e.g. Nikolai Demidenko gave an exciting yet poetic performance.

The speech was as poetically written as any he'd ever heard.

2. 诗的;诗歌的
    Poetic means relating to poetry.

    e.g. There's a very rich poetic tradition in Gaelic.

poetic 单语例句

1. We were impressed by the creative design of the poetic scroll menu, though the Chinglish descriptions of the fusion dishes left us clueless.

2. Her voice and performing style are reminiscent of the childlike, simple and poetic approach.

3. This is a chance to steep oneself in the poetic minimalism and social commentary that made Abbas a cult figure among China's film fans.

4. His works are often characterized by poetic depictions of landscapes commonly seen in northeastern China and the use of mythic figures and symbols.

5. It resembled a Chinese ink painting only with less colors but an equally poetic and artistic conception.

6. " The Qixi Festival is crystallization of the romantic and poetic imagination of Chinese people, " Liu said.

7. Each of them was named after a poetic and descriptive phrase, interpreting the formation they took.

8. Mao Dun Literature Prize winner Liu Xinglong has been recognized for his poetic evocation of the bitterness of country life.

9. The poetic and picturesque Suzhou gardens are a typical demonstration of simple elegance, with intriguing scenes found in every season and in all weathers.

10. Small as these gardens are, they are always designed with great originality and embody a profound poetic quality.


poetic 英英释义



1. characterized by romantic imagery

    e.g. Turner's vision of the rainbow...was poetic

2. characteristic of or befitting poetry

    e.g. poetic diction

    Synonym: poetical

3. of or relating to poetry

    e.g. poetic works
           a poetic romance

    Synonym: poetical

4. of or relating to poets

    e.g. poetic insight

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