
polar day是什么意思 polar day在线翻译 polar day什么意思 polar day的意思 polar day的翻译 polar day的解释 polar day的发音 polar day的同义词

polar day

polar day 双语例句

1. Here you'll observe the polar day in summer and the polar night in winter.

2. Every year, there are 6 months that polar day and polar night will appear in both the North and

3. polar day

3. It is applied not only to compute the solar altitude at noon, the lengths of day and night, but to explain the phenomena of polarday and polar night, the condition of subsolar point.

4. One day, the penguin and the polar bear plays together.

5. One day, the polar bear felt boring.

6. A polar sea is almost land-locked, as the Arctic ocean is to-day.

7. That great dome of ice reflects sunlight back into space throughout the 24 hours a day of polar summer sunshine.

8. The contribution of the WPWP movement amounts to 10%, 25% and 6% of the excitations of the non-atmospheric interannual length-of-day variation, the x and y components of the annual polar motion excitation, respectively. The length-of-day could be prolonged of several micro-seconds during the El Nino events.

9. polar day是什么意思

9. The Investigation of Atmospheric Angular Momentum as a Contributor to Polar Wobble and Length of Day Change with AMIP II GCM Data CONTRIBUTION OF AAM DATA SOURCE CHANGE TO THE RESEARCH ON EXCITATION OF △ LOD

10. The Investigation of Atmospheric Angular Momentum as a Contributor to Polar Wobble and Length of Day Change with AMIP II GCM Data COMPARISON BETWEEN THE VARIATION OF EOP AND THE ATMOSPHERIC EXCITATION AT DIFFERENT FREQUENCY DOMAINS

11. Polar Bear Clubs in many northern hemisphere cities near bodies of water, have a tradition of holding organized plunges on New Year's Day.

12. And there is obvious difference among different intervention model. (7) There is a significant correlation between psychological variables (self-efficiency and decision balance) and subjective or objective measurement (Polar, three-day recall and seven-day recall).

13. The Coney Island Polar Bear Club uses the day to take a dip in the freezing waters of the Atlantic.

14. On New Year ` s day, New Yorker ` s join the Coney Island polar plunge and, in Germany, the Berlin seals brave their own icy pool.

15. Length of Day (LOD) change is an important parameter which reflects the earth rotation. LOD change、Polar Motion (PM)、Precession and Nutation are called Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP).

16. A man handed a rose to his girlfriend while submerged seven meters under water at the Qingdao Polar Ocean World on the day before Valentine's Day.

17. NASA's Mars Phoenix Lander began sending photos of the planet's surface on the first day of its three-month mission " to taste and sniff the northern polar site's soil and ice, " the space agency said.

18. For 46, 000 for an eight-day trip, polar explorer Patrick takes wealthy clients on luxury safaris to Antarctica and the South Pole with his company White Desert.

19. On Jan.9, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the Interior Department agency that evaluates endangered species, was due that day to deliver its ruling on the polar bear.

20. Go for a Polar Bear Swim on New Year's Day

polar day 单语例句

1. The travel agency employed polar experts to deliver lectures after each day's trip and I really learned a lot.

2. For many, this year's World Environment Day with its focus on melting polar ice carries particular significance.

3. The unique aurora and polar day phenomena also distinguish the place from anywhere else in China.

4. Polar Land is renewing its efforts to attract visitors during the upcoming May Day holiday.

5. SYDNEY - A ten tonne polar bear camping out at Sydney's majestic Circular Quay isn't likely to survive for more than a day or two.

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