
polish off是什么意思 polish off在线翻译 polish off什么意思 polish off的意思 polish off的翻译 polish off的解释 polish off的发音 polish off的同义词

polish off [ˈpɔliʃ ɔf]  [ˈpɑlɪʃ ɔf] 

polish off 基本解释

干完; 吃完; 击倒; 除掉

polish off的翻译

polish off 相关例句


1. He polished off the meal and hurried out.

polish off 网络解释

1. 草草做完:polis 城邦 | polish off 草草做完 | polish up 改善

2. danci.911cha.com

2. (飞快地)完成:polish vt. 磨光,擦亮n. 擦光剂,上光蜡 | polish off (飞快地)完成 | lubrication n. 润滑

3. 吃光:peck at 吃得很少 | polish off 吃光 | toss off 喝光

4. 吃掉:thrill: 激动 | polish off: 吃掉 | in short order: 短期内;迅速地

polish off 双语例句

1. Black helped eldest brother to know the scofiled from the T-BAG virtuous own 5, 000, 000, the under charge binds him to a place, again prepare shearing him another toe threatenned mutually, the scofiled is virtuous with the empress of the javand polish off T-BAG to do a condition.

2. 5 Centimetre high, is it make phoenix design, for glue gold and silver thin slice pharmaceutical is it polish smooth child of painting on the surface to paste big paint to carve, after being dry, overall Xiu two three of paint is it show the honeysuckle line to grind and then, make pattern and paint bottom reach same Pingdu, push away light become a exquisite one flat to take off the lacquer ware in addition.

3. Baby bash f/ akon baby i'm back lyrics Anything that you want me doing, ill do it Tell me what the word is [repeat 4x] Don't look no farther! Baby im back Im here to cater to you (any thing that you want me doing, ill do it) Cause Ill be your lover Ill be your best friend Tell me what I gotta do (tell me what I gotta do and ill do it) Now im back in a flesh Feelin so blessed, back in your corner suga, suga don't stress Forget about the rest; let's go inside, im back in your zone Baby back in your vibe, now I cant be denied I can lie im on ya I never ever wanna say sayonara Some body told me that the grass was greener On the other side andale arriba Never really used to be a mean to cheat her What I gotta do to be a keeper These words comin out the speaker, true love is off the meter I was gone for a minute but now im home, Please forgive for being a rolling stone, Please forgive me let me polish it up like chrome, Get off the phone till he swears to leave me alone, Let my start your interest, now there's no more dating on the internet, Cause you already know how I get it wet, how I get it so salty and I get respect, You don't have to look no farther, you dealin with the whole enchilada You don't have to look no farther, you hotter then a fire starter I was gone for a minute, [repeat 4x] Now im back let me hit it oooohhh
    oooh yeah 你想要我做的每一件事,我都会做到告诉我你想要说的不要再举目不前宝贝我回来了我在这等着你(你想要我做的每一件事,我都会做到)因为我要成为你的爱人我要成为你最好的朋友告诉我应该做什么(告诉我应该做什么然后我会去做)现在我以从新开始感觉深受祝福··back in your corner suga,suga don't stress(这一句我不会翻译了主要是不认识suga这个单词)忘记过去吧让我们从心交流我正回到你的心中宝贝找回你的爱吧现在我不能否认我对自己的谎言我永远不会说有人告诉我青草是绿色的 On the other side andale arriba(额再次抱歉最后两个单词我还是不认识)我过去从未想过要欺骗她我想做的是她的守护者这些话是出自一个讲述者可是真爱已经不再我曾经出走可是现在我回来了请原谅我的冥顽不灵请原谅我让我抛弃过去关掉电话直到他发誓说离我而去你对我的爱如今已不再因为你已经知道我如何变得悲伤如何变得爱哭你不必再举目不前你不必再举目不前我曾经短暂离去现在我回来了 ````xu`````终于翻译完了哥们这首歌有些单词是够晦涩的我没有逐字逐句翻译那样还不如用翻译机了不过我个人的水品也不好希望能对你有帮助 PS`虽然我也比较喜欢akon 但这首还真没听过尝试了下不错不过还是喜欢老歌mr loney 和no matter

4. Brushing off the entire episode, she turns her talents toward tracking down the perfect iridescent pink nail polish

5. SAVE FELT SCRAPS: Use them with your nail-polish remover to get off nail polish.

6. I can polish off the rest of the typing in no time.

7. I forgot to take off my nail polish.

8. She began to polish the dirt off her hands and body.

9. polish off的近义词

9. If you are working alone, you will still feel revitalized and determined to polish off this project, once and for all.

10. polish off的解释

10. I forget to take off my nail polish.

11. Do you think you can polish off these sheets of typing before four o'clock?

12. If everyone helps, we can polish off this job today.

13. I'll admit I have had to polish myself off...

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. Now I just have to polish these off, and everything'll be OK.

15. Of course, the nail polish off a remnant of the nails, and nail painting or exaggerated, is also inappropriate.

16. polish off

16. To polish off this jewel of a trick, drop the card back on top of the deck and take the top card and place it on the table, then cut the deck.

17. Add ice cubes(around 20g) to the fior di latte with one espresso, plus fresh cream, pour with egg flip as topping as well as Piemonte chocolate and cacao as polish off, and placed in a bicchierinino glass of 100cc.

18. polish off的反义词

18. South Africa resume this morning on 278 for seven and England could well polish them off first thing.

19. The president persuaded the West to write off Polish debts

20. polish off的近义词

20. She took off her glass and gave a polish to it.

polish off 词典解释

1. 吃(或喝)光;吃(或喝)完
    If you polish off food or drink, you eat or drink all of it, or finish it.

    e.g. No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant...
    e.g. He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down.

2. (尤指在体育运动中)击败,战胜
    If you polish off an opponent, especially in sports, you beat them.


    e.g. He polished off his opponents 21-2, 21-8 and 21-8...
    e.g. South Africa resume this morning on 278 for seven and England could well polish them off first thing.

polish off 单语例句

1. Even though it appeared toward the end of the meal, many wanted to polish off even the soup.

2. The only thing left to do was toast the generosity of the airport security guy and polish off the Glenfiddich.

3. It's free if you can polish it off in one sitting.

polish off 英英释义


1. finish a task completely

    e.g. I finally got through this homework assignment

    Synonym: get throughwrap upfinish offmop upclear upfinish up

2. finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table

    e.g. She polished off the remaining potatoes

    Synonym: eat upfinish

3. kill intentionally and with premeditation

    e.g. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

    Synonym: murderslayhitdispatchbump offoffremove

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