
polishing是什么意思 polishing在线翻译 polishing什么意思 polishing的意思 polishing的翻译 polishing的解释 polishing的发音 polishing的同义词

polishing ['pɒlɪʃɪŋ]  ['pɒlɪʃɪŋ] 

polishing 基本解释


动词(使)光滑,擦亮( polish的现在分词 ); 修正; 文饰; (涂蜡等)打光滑

polishing 网络解释

1. 磨光:在1762年,Matthew Boulton 开办了一家雇用超过600名员工的车床(Lathe)加工厂,开始装置蒸汽引擎(Steam Engine),增援原有的两具带动车床运转、磨光(Polishing)、研磨(Grinding)等功能的水车(Waterwheel)动力;从1700年开始,

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 光:从研磨(Compounding) 抛光(Polishing) 镜面处理(Glazing) 填缝拨水保护(Waxing)将漆面整平使得金油层(Clear Coat)平整而得到光线之完全反射. 因为经此处理,所以车体看起来光鲜亮丽.

3. 磨:一般而言,切磨加工钻石有四个独立的步骤,即标记(marking)、分割(dividing)、成型(shaping)和抛磨(polishing). 出于各种原因,需要对原石进行分割. 分割原石也是一项十分重要的工作,它也直接影响钻石成品的质量,并最终影响钻石成品的价值.

polishing 单语例句

1. A high quality lacquer painting normally undergoes several instances of polishing in water before being coloured.

2. An initial investigation indicates that the explosion could have been caused by combustible dust in the polishing workshop.

3. An initial investigation indicates that the explosion could be caused by combustible dust in the polishing workshop.

4. Even some smaller stores that once concentrated on polishing shoes have now opened their businesses to the maintenance of luxury items.

5. At that time, folk artisans made a breakthrough in craftsmanship in selecting materials and polishing the shaft.

6. If polishing off the tarnish of time passed requires hard physical labor, then to solve all the engineering mysteries is sheer mental exercise.

7. Perhaps the fragrance of paper and ink would be better than the instantaneousness of a micro blog in polishing a wonderful life.

8. The various patterns and colors in stones are formed free from any artificial polishing or painting.

9. It has the luster of wax or grease and after polishing, it may achieve the luster of glass.

10. Polishing the wood brings out a glitter in the grain that resembles mountains and oceans.

polishing 英英释义


1. the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it

    e.g. the shining of shoes provided a meager living
           every Sunday he gave his car a good polishing

    Synonym: shining

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