
portal是什么意思 portal在线翻译 portal什么意思 portal的意思 portal的翻译 portal的解释 portal的发音 portal的同义词 portal的反义词 portal的例句

portal [ˈpɔ:tl]  [ˈpɔ:rtl] 


portal 基本解释

名词入口; 桥门; [解剖学]肝门; 出孔

形容词[解剖学]门的; 肝门的; 门静脉的; 关于门静脉的

portal 网络解释

1. 门户网站:入口网站(Portal)即是最为合适的行使方法,整合即是它的中心概念. 2003年起,藉由自行研发的企业门户网站(Portal)系统(e-Strategy)作为落实提供企业e化服务的工具软件;并解决了将企业各种应用系统加以整合的用途.

2. 入口網站:此外,根据交易型态来分类,学者也提出三个基本的商业型态:入口网站(Portal)、市场建立者(Market Maker)以及产品/服务提供者(Product/Service Provider).

3. portal

3. 正门:在中世纪教堂正门(PORTAL)上面的半月楣叫门楣(TYMPANUM)(图408). 本笃会(BENEDICTINE ORDER) 公元529年由Nursie的圣本尼迪克特(约480-约543)在罗马附近的苏比亚科创立. 本笃会不如其他早期修会(ORDERS)那样严肃,在接下去的两个世纪里,

portal 词典解释

1. 正门;宏伟的大门
    A portal is a large impressive doorway at the entrance to a building.


    e.g. I went in through the royal portal.

2. 门户(网站)
    On the Internet, a portal is a site that consists of links to other websites.

portal 单语例句

1. Fan also said it was a good time to buy shares in the top Chinese portal as its share prices were low.

2. It also accommodates several Chinese portal Websites, based on the market capitalization of the closing price for the middle of last month.

3. And when we add up all the portal sites, you reach something like 100 million pages downloaded.

4. Duan's application to upgrade was initially accepted by Adobe on June 8, according to a communication sent through its Customer Support Portal.

5. There is an abundance of songs, multimedia courseware and comic movies on the portal.

6. His portal also started making profits thanks to the advent of online gaming and SMS.

7. It created a Web portal so that its phone users could download ring tones as early as 2000.

8. The portal has become famed for its online educational and entertainment programmes with current daily page views of 34 million.

9. " Our company has already issued rules banning stock trading during work time, " says an editor at a leading web portal in Beijing.

10. He says MMS messages sent from his web portal during this year's Spring Festival holiday mushroomed fivefold compared to average days.

portal 英英释义


1. a grand and imposing entrance (often extended metaphorically)

    e.g. the portals of the cathedral
           the portals of heaven
           the portals of success

2. a short vein that carries blood into the liver

    Synonym: portal veinhepatic portal veinvena portae

3. a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet

    e.g. a portal typically has search engines and free email and chat rooms etc.

    Synonym: portal site

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