
posts是什么意思 posts在线翻译 posts什么意思 posts的意思 posts的翻译 posts的解释 posts的发音 posts的同义词 posts的反义词 posts的例句



posts 基本解释

邮件( post的名词复数 );邮局;邮政;邮递;张贴( post的第三人称单数 );宣布;设岗;邮寄;

posts 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 帖子:1、每个话题(TOPIC)都有一个主贴和若干跟贴组成,这些帖子(POSTS)有提问的、解答的和提供信息资源的等许多种. 坛主可以给每个有价值的帖子加分(1-99),这样每个帖子的点数总和构成了该话题的点数. 2、每个帖子都和用户(USER)相关联,

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2. 柱:槭木用来制木栓(pegs)、球状把手(knobs)、床柱(posts)、横档(rungs)和椅子条板(chairslats). 樱桃木是做桌面最好的木材,而梣木(ash)及山核桃木(hickory)则用来制做弯件(bentpieces)如摇杆(rocker)、横档(rungs)、条板(slats)和扶手等.

3. 回复:再比如,当我现在要显示一个帖子的详细页面,该页面需要显示帖子(Thread)内容以及所有的回复(Posts),如果用Hibernate,我们只需要查询一个Thread即可,而它下面的所有的Posts会自动被级联查询出来(因为我们已经在配置文件中配置好了,

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4. 文章:第三个参数为 是否包含非 文章(posts) 及 分页(pages) 的页面浏览数. (true为包含, false为不包含)

posts 单语例句

1. GOP Senate leaders said they did not act lightly in asking Craig to give up his leadership posts temporarily.

2. DPJ lawmakers from both chambers of the Diet approved the appointment of key posts proposed by Noda.

3. It is assessed by the number of posts released by the follower a day and the time of updating the latest post.

4. The Shangrao Concentration Camp was surrounded by high walls and wire netting, with densely distributed lookout posts and stern guards.

5. But popular bloggers are also to blame because they try to keep their fame and stature by the sheer volume of posts.

6. Most of the ministerial posts were replaced including key Cabinet members such as foreign and defense ministers.

7. LONDON - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has started a Cabinet reshuffle on Friday, with a few posts already rumored to change hands.

8. Some posts had photos of relatives from the time of the massacre and some told how they managed to escape the carnage.

9. Why were the wooden posts cut into a variety of shapes from columns to prisms, and what did people use for the carving?

10. Many posts refute that all are born equal and deserving of Respect, but in this case the hukou system gravely insulted the dignity of human life.

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