
potency是什么意思 potency在线翻译 potency什么意思 potency的意思 potency的翻译 potency的解释 potency的发音 potency的同义词 potency的反义词

potency [ˈpəʊtnsi]  [ˈpoʊtnsi] 


potency 基本解释

名词效力; 潜能; 权势; (男人的)性交能力

potency 网络解释

1. 效价:使心跳及血压上升 (C)溶解度较差的气体麻醉剂,其恢复期较短;反之,高溶解度的气体麻醉剂恢复期较长 (D)麻醉剂的效价(potency)与最低肺泡麻醉浓度(minimum alveolar anesthetic解析:quinidine为抗心律不整的药物,

2. 效价强度:5效价强度(potency)用于作用性质相同的药物之间的等效剂量的比较, 达到等效时所需药量较小者效价强度大,所用药量大者效价强度小. 6斜率(slope) 量效曲线在效应量的16%~84%区间大致呈直线,该段直线与横坐标夹角的正切值称量效曲线的斜率.

3. potency的意思

3. 效力:请将下列激素依其效力(potency)做递减排列:雌三醇(estriol)、雌二醇(estradiol)、雌素酮(estrone). 未控制(Unopposed)的雌激素治疗将导致____________________ 癌症罹患的风险增加. 将____________________与雌激素一起合并使用则会降低这个风险.

potency 词典解释

1. (人、行动或思想的)影响力,支配力
    Potency is the power and influence that a person, action, or idea has to affect or change people's lives, feelings, or beliefs.

    e.g. They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality...
    e.g. All their songs have a lingering potency.

2. (药物等的)效力;药力;药效
    The potency of a drug, poison, or other chemical is its strength.


    e.g. Sunscreen can lose its potency if left over winter in the bathroom cabinet.

3. (男子的)性交能力,性机能
    Potency is the ability of a man to have sex.

    e.g. Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.

potency 单语例句

1. As one of the most durable cells in the body, sperm can maintain potency even if frozen for a decade or two.

2. The Empress Dowager believed in the potency of martial arts, so she declared war on the whole world.

3. Although many of the diners believe that eating penis will add to their sexual potency, doctors say these claims are groundless.

4. They refuse doctors'requests for the herbal mix, saying the saint warned it would lose its potency if commercialized.

5. Even many of the Chinese words and phrases in vogue will lose their potency after a period of intense use.

6. The Euryale seeds produced in Zhaoqing have large size and strong potency.

7. The potency and side effects of some herbs are poorly understood by TCM practitioners, sometimes they even cause fatal errors.

8. In some cases, the finished wine is further distilled to concentrate the flavor and increase potency.

9. Patients in the trial took Wisconsin ginseng from a single crop that was tested for uniform potency.

10. The market should not underestimate the potency of the prudent monetary policy.

potency 英英释义


1. capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects

    e.g. the toxin's potency
           the strength of the drinks

    Synonym: effectivenessstrength

2. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

    e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants
           deputies are given authorization to make arrests
           a place of potency in the state

    Synonym: authorityauthorizationauthorisationdominancesay-so

3. the state of being potent
    a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse

    Synonym: potence

4. the inherent capacity for coming into being

    Synonym: potentialpotentiality

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