
precisely是什么意思 precisely在线翻译 precisely什么意思 precisely的意思 precisely的翻译 precisely的解释 precisely的发音 precisely的同义词

precisely [prɪˈsaɪsli]  [prɪˈsaɪsli] 

precisely 基本解释

副词精确地; 恰好地; 严谨地,严格地; 一丝不苟地

precisely 相关例句


1. Precisely so.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Tell me precisely what do you want?

3. I'll tell you precisely how to do it.

precisely 网络解释

1. 精确地:这也就是说,如果可以将物体的位置及运动速度(其他不用考虑)复原到某一时刻,那么宇宙的演变,以及各种历史事件都将精确地(precisely)重演.

2. 细心地:事实上,母亲--教师,在他作为国家工作人员的能力范围内,只能假装成的坏妈妈或者伪装者--是,细心地(precisely) ,母亲向你口述,穿过你的耳朵,沿着脐带(cord),远远地传导至你的速记(stenography).

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 正好,正是如此:408. The word order is wrong.词序错了. | 409. Precisely.正好,正是如此. | 410. I'm afraid it's wrong.我想恐怕这错了.

4. 正好:considerably 相当地 | precisely 正好 | assumption 假定

precisely 词典解释

1. 精确地;准确地
    Precisely means accurately and exactly.

    e.g. Nobody knows precisely how many people are still living in the camp...
    e.g. The meeting began at precisely 4.00 p.m...

2. 正好,恰恰,确实地(表示强调)
    You can use precisely to emphasize that a reason or fact is the only important one there is, or that it is obvious.


    e.g. Children come to zoos precisely to see captive animals...
    e.g. That is precisely the result the system is designed to produce.

3. 确实如此;一点没错
    You can say 'precisely' to confirm in an emphatic way that what someone has just said is true.

    e.g. 'Did you find yourself wondering what went wrong?' — 'Precisely.'

precisely 单语例句


1. Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them.

2. With its precisely defined deformation zones and even stiffer passenger cell, the third generation of the BMW 5 Series set new standards in occupant safety.

3. The idea of combining tea with food may be tempting but it is precisely its special characteristics that make it so hard to succeed.

4. The senior administration officials refused to say what Bush's response to the memo was, or precisely what government action it had triggered.

5. The auditors'work is meant precisely to spot irregularities and compel wrongdoers to improve.

6. It was precisely because of this complication that the Iraqi government's performance has been rather poor in keeping the situation stable.

7. That is, if one encounters perfect conditions and knows precisely where to look.

8. But Huang said that only by hearing the shots can she precisely tell the quality of the gun and correct flight path of bullets.

9. But that determination is difficult to make without knowing precisely when Bush decided to declassify the information.

10. Against all odds, the sun broke through steely gray skies at precisely that moment.

precisely 英英释义


1. indicating exactness or preciseness

    e.g. he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do
           it was just as he said--the jewel was gone
           it has just enough salt

    Synonym: exactlyjust

2. in a precise manner

    e.g. she always expressed herself precisely

    Synonym: incisivelyexactly

3. just as it should be

    e.g. `Precisely, my lord,' he said

    Synonym: exactlyon the noseon the doton the button

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