
presentation是什么意思 presentation在线翻译 presentation什么意思 presentation的意思 presentation的翻译 presentation的解释 presentation的发音

presentation [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]  [ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] 


presentation 基本解释

名词提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式

presentation 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The presentation of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine o'clock.

2. The presentation of prizes will begin at three o'clock.

3. There is a presentation of a new play tonight.

presentation 网络解释

1. 介绍:教师用书对课堂教学的步骤作了详细说明: 复习(Revision),介绍(Presentation),操练(Drill),练习(Practice)和巩固(Consolidation). 教师在每一个步骤中的任务有所不同,在每一个步骤中扮演的角色也不尽相同. 部分教师片面理解这五个步骤(也称五步教学法),

2. 提案:有大量的论文(essay)、调研(academic research)、项目(project work)、提案(presentation)和团队工作(team work)要完成. 中国留学生即便英文很好,如果没有这些学术技能,也会面临很大挑战而不能顺利完成学业. 我们的这个课程专为国际学生升读大学课程而特设,

3. 陈述:[目录] 不存在 [原文] 陈述(Presentation)是销售活动中宣传产品的特性和客户可以得到的利益的一种常用方式,也是销售人员和售前技术人员应当具备的一个基本功.

presentation 词典解释

1. 外观;外貌;表象
    Presentation is the appearance of something, which someone has worked to create.

    e.g. We serve traditional French food cooked in a lighter way, keeping the presentation simple...
    e.g. Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title page.

2. 颁奖仪式;颁奖典礼
    A presentation is a formal event at which someone is given a prize or award.

    e.g. He received his award at a presentation in London yesterday.
    e.g. ...at the presentation ceremony.

3. 介绍;陈述;报告;说明
    When someone gives a presentation, they give a formal talk, often in order to sell something or get support for a proposal.

    e.g. James Watson, Philip Mayo and I gave a slide and video presentation...
    e.g. I always ask how much time I have to make my presentation.

4. 表演;演出
    A presentation is something that is performed in front of an audience, for example a play or a ballet.


    e.g. ...Blackpool Opera House's presentation of Buddy, the musical.

5. see also: present

presentation 单语例句

1. He was impressed by the way " Lee taught us basic skills in business presentation ".

2. He said the presentation was likely to relate further examples of concealment rather than actionable intelligence that would constitute a smoking gun.

3. Yu uses mainly calligraphy and ink on rice paper in his works, paying homage to the ancient masters and at the same time exploring modern presentation style.

4. A major part of the play's Chinese version preserves the hallmark tone of candid confession and shocking presentation intermingled with humour.

5. To catch on in Western cultures Sichuan cuisine also needs to achieve standardization in terms of the presentation of a particular dish.

6. The Cervantes Institute holds a presentation for studying in universities in Spain as well as advice for visa application.

7. The food style originated from the chef of an ancient Chinese official, who prepared popular dishes of the time with exquisite presentation and good taste.

8. The presentation struck a chord because Guangzhou's citizens have great affection for their mother river.

9. Zhang and Zhang also showed spectacular tricks, but they lacked the choreographic finesse and presentation of the top couple.

10. The defense team said their client had accepted a recommendation to end their presentation swiftly and send the case to the jury by next week.

presentation 英英释义


1. a show or display
    the act of presenting something to sight or view

    e.g. the presentation of new data
           he gave the customer a demonstration

    Synonym: presentmentdemonstration

2. the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward)

    e.g. she gave the trophy but he made the presentation

3. a visual representation of something

    Synonym: display

4. (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal

    e.g. Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations

5. the act of making something publicly available
    presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it

    e.g. he prepared his presentation carefully in advance

6. the act of presenting a proposal

7. formally making a person known to another or to the public

    Synonym: introductionintro

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