
pressure是什么意思 pressure在线翻译 pressure什么意思 pressure的意思 pressure的翻译 pressure的解释 pressure的发音 pressure的同义词

pressure [ˈpreʃə(r)]  [ˈprɛʃɚ] 


pressure 基本解释

名词压力; 压(力); 气压(或血压)(的缩略形式); 压(迫)感

不及物动词施加压力; 迫使; 使(机舱等)增压

pressure 相关例句


1. The pressure inside the old submarine was almost unendurable.

2. These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.

3. He works well under pressure.

4. Do not put much pressure on the handle, it may break.

pressure 情景对话


B:Are you a multi-tasked individual?/ Do you work well under stress or pressure

A:Yes, I think so.The trait is needed in my current/ previous position and I know I can handle it well.

pressure 网络解释

1. pressure什么意思

1. 压强:另外, 在闭合面任何一点上,来自闭合面以外的流体的作用力和来自闭合面以内的流体的作用力,都必定与该点处的闭合面面元相垂直,上式表示, 压强(pressure)就是单位面积上所承受的沿法线方向的压力的大小.

2. 压缩:P波:P代表主要(Primary)或壓縮(Pressure),為一種縱波,粒子振動方向和波前進方平行,在所有地震波中,前進速度最快,也最早抵達. P波能在固體、液體或氣體中傳遞. S波:S意指次要(Secondary)或剪力(Shear),前進速度僅次於P波,

3. pressure:pres; 施加压力

4. pressure:p.; 紧逼

pressure 词典解释

1. 压力
    Pressure is force that you produce when you press hard on something.


    e.g. She kicked at the door with her foot, and the pressure was enough to open it...
    e.g. The pressure of his fingers had relaxed...

2. 压力;气压;压强
    The pressure in a place or container is the force produced by the quantity of gas or liquid in that place or container.


    e.g. The window in the cockpit had blown in and the pressure dropped dramatically...
    e.g. Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea.

3. (向某人施加的)压力
    If there is pressure on a person, someone is trying to persuade or force them to do something.

    e.g. He may have put pressure on her to agree...
    e.g. Its government is under pressure from the European Commission...

4. (工作等的)压力
    If you are experiencing pressure, you feel that you must do a lot of tasks or make a lot of decisions in very little time, or that people expect a lot from you.


    e.g. Can you work under pressure?...
    e.g. Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure...

5. 强迫;迫使;竭力劝说
    If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it.

    e.g. He will never pressure you to get married...
    e.g. The Government should not be pressured into making hasty decisions...

You're likely to feel anxious and pressured.

6. see also: blood pressure

pressure 单语例句

1. Steep drops were across the board as all 42 components of the benchmark Hang Seng Index were under selling pressure.

2. Divorce lawyers say business is booming, as the country's recession puts pressure on marriages.

3. The investigation was ordered by police for " damaging business reputation ", though Qiu was later exonerated due to pressure from GAPP.

4. Olmert has faced weeks of public pressure to resign over probes into suspicions he took bribes from an US businessman.

5. Both countries face protectionist sentiments and pressure to " buy national ", too.

6. The media's exposure of the illegal demolition in Harbin resulted in the pressure of public opinion forcing the local government to act.

7. Experts said the online buzz surrounding the holiday reflects growing pressure that young people face in a time of rapid urbanization.

8. PH is a complex health problem characterized by high blood pressure in the lungs.

9. By contrast, the businesses in monopoly sectors do not have the same pressure.

10. Kids are by nature rebellious, and too much pressure will only intensify their defiance.

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