
preview是什么意思 preview在线翻译 preview什么意思 preview的意思 preview的翻译 preview的解释 preview的发音 preview的同义词 preview的反义词

preview [ˈpri:vju:]  [ˈpriˌvju] 


preview 基本解释

名词试映,预演; 预告片; 象征,预示

及物动词预映; 预先观看; 概述; 扼要介绍

preview 相关例句


1. preview在线翻译

1. The play is due to be previewed tonight.


1. preview的近义词

1. We saw a preview of the new movie.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. They sent the recording for our preview.

preview 网络解释

1. 预览版:并且,QQ的诸多版本,名字花样多,但是每次内容的更新是实实在在的,作者应该清楚预览版(Preview)和测试版(beta)之间的区别吧. 我虽不是程序员,但对软件版本号的命名还是有一定的了解,作者在此处将版本混乱定为一罪,实非专业程序员所为.

2. preview

2. 预演:在非大型城市进行制作和首演,也符合国外一个剧目预演(Preview)的惯例,因为制作后发现缺陷,也有修改的余地,不至于被媒体放大.

3. 预展:能够设定预展 (Preview) 书页,以便成为电子书的样品. 如若于制作软件 (Builder) 已设定与某栏目的连 动关系,可直接翻至该页,为报刊类读者提供便利. 拥有关键字搜索功能 (keyword) 可于任一书页,利用关键字找寻所需内容.

preview 词典解释

1. 预演;预映;预展
    A preview is an opportunity to see something such as a film, exhibition, or invention before it is open or available to the public.

    e.g. He had gone to see the preview of a play.
    e.g. ...a sneak preview of the type of car that could be commonplace within ten years.

2. 预先观看;为(电影等)写预评
    If a journalist previews something such as a film, exhibition, or invention, they see it and describe it to the public before the public see it for themselves.

    e.g. He knew about the interview prior to its publication and had actually previewed the piece...
    e.g. Nick Sullivan previews this season's collections from Paris and Milan.

preview 单语例句

1. They also received a preview of the administration's budget plans through 2015.

2. Authors will be able to control whether their books are included in the database, as well as what material can be read using Google's preview function.

3. United Kingdom's Expo 2010 pavilion will offer a preview of the 2012 London Olympics by incorporating an " Olympic Corner " in its display.

4. " Crafty Silk " was elected this session at Ridges City film preview and it will be officially observed and emulated as a piece.

5. Yang Guang draws attention as he explores his new enclosure at Edinburgh Zoo at a preview on Dec 12.

6. A fashion show was organized at a fancy restaurant at Citic Square for both media and VIP guests to preview Loewe's spring and summer collection.

7. The two parties had threatened each other using the interests of global creditors, staging a preview of next year's general election.

8. The preview ends tomorrow with the pieces going under the hammer on Thursday at the Westin Hotel.

9. " We are hoping to show that we have taken a step forward relative to Melbourne, " technical director Bob Bell said in a team preview.

10. Jepsen released " Call Me Maybe " in Canada to preview her second album.

preview 英英释义


1. a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public

2. an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future

    Synonym: prevuetrailer


1. watch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public

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