
priceless是什么意思 priceless在线翻译 priceless什么意思 priceless的意思 priceless的翻译 priceless的解释 priceless的发音 priceless的同义词

priceless [ˈpraɪsləs]  [ˈpraɪslɪs] 

priceless 基本解释


形容词无价的; 极贵重的; 非常有趣的; 极荒谬的



priceless 同义词


priceless 反义词


priceless 相关例句


1. Fred is a priceless fool.

2. You look priceless in those big trousers!

3. We saw priceless paintings at the museum.

priceless 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 无价的:结果,正如那位士兵般,将无价的(priceless)的救恩--神预备我们永恒的价值(value),完全丢弃了. 华人寻找福气的心愿,犹如三十几年前来买春联的眼神,可惜的是,三十几年来,近视越来越深,越来不明白,要寻求福气,就不能单单把一切的蛋,

2. 巴黎拜金女:以<<巴黎拜金女>>(Priceless)一片掳获众多女性芳心的憨厚纯情男盖德艾麦汉(Gad Elmaleh),近年来红透了半边天,不但从小萤幕爆红到大银幕,还偏偏所有的演出只要有他参与,票房铁定大卖,让他瞬间成了众制作公司及媒体的宠儿.

3. (真爱无价):周六值班时没事,看了这部法国浪漫喜剧片.一个是面相老实却很聪明的酒店服务员,另一个是美丽动人专傍大款的物质女孩,他俩擦出的火花真是很有意思.就不透露具体内容了,自己去看吧 <<真爱无价>>(Priceless)强烈推荐.

priceless 词典解释

1. 无价的;极贵重的;极为昂贵的
    If you say that something is priceless, you are emphasizing that it is worth a very large amount of money.


    e.g. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.
    e.g. ...the priceless treasures of the Royal Collection.

2. 宝贵的;极其有用的
    If you say that something is priceless, you approve of it because it is extremely useful.


    e.g. They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history...
    e.g. The influence of someone like David York will be priceless.

Be careful not to confuse the words priceless, invaluable and worthless. Something which is priceless is so precious that it is difficult to give it a value. …priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini. Something which is invaluable is very useful indeed. It has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic. In contrast, something that is worthless is of very little value. I'm afraid your shares are now worthless.
注意不要混淆 priceless,invaluable 和 worthless。priceless表示非常珍贵,因而难以计算其价值,如:priceless masterpieces by Canova and Bernini(卡诺瓦和贝尔尼尼的无价杰作)。invaluable 表示非常有用,如:It has a spelling checker, which is invaluable if you are dyslexic(它带有一个拼写检查程序,对有诵读困难的人非常有用)。相反,worthless 表示没有什么价值,如:I'm afraid your shares are now worthless(恐怕你的股票现在一文不值了)。

priceless 单语例句

1. While the treasures have been torn from their homeland, at least the world's scholars can cooperate in virtually bringing the priceless storehouse together.

2. For " Priceless, " Richie wanted to take a different direction.

3. But passing up a priceless opportunity for a little extra spending money doesn't calculate in my book.

4. What makes a string quartet more than the sum of its parts, more than four breathtakingly gifted musicians playing four priceless instruments?

5. Herein lies a wooden version of the Long Zang Jing Ban, one of only two remaining Chinese versions of this priceless Buddhist scripture in the world.

6. Li Weidong advertised himself on the Internet as a young man of rare talent - the quoted salary was to justify his priceless self.

7. More than 14 million digital pictures of rare and priceless articles of antiquity are stored in the database managed by Artron.

8. The priceless piece of paper is the world's oldest map of Africa.

9. While advertisers wax poetically about the priceless work of motherhood, economists tally up the paycheck for the services she performs.

10. The name's Latin origin means " priceless one ", according to the words on the mug.

priceless 英英释义


1. having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth

    Synonym: invaluable

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