
privileged是什么意思 privileged在线翻译 privileged什么意思 privileged的意思 privileged的翻译 privileged的解释 privileged的发音 privileged的同义词

privileged [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd]  [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd, ˈprɪvlɪdʒd] 

比较级:more privileged最高级:most privileged

privileged 基本解释

形容词享有特权的; 特许的,专用的; 秘密的,保密的; 幸运的

privileged 网络解释

1. 特权:特权用户和非特权用户 Data Pump识别两类的用户:特权(Privileged)用户和非特权(Nonprivileged)的用户. Privileged用户具有EXP_FULL_DATABASE 和IMP_FULL_DATABASE权限. 非特权用户不具备这些权限. 特权用户可以作如下工作: 导出导入其他用户拥有的数据库对象.

2. privileged在线翻译

2. 调教浪荡富家女:... 使第一季达到完整的22集. <<霹雳游侠2008>>唯一值得骄傲的,就是在年轻男性观众(18~34)之中的收视率保持第一. 也许,这正是该剧的商业价值所在. 另讯:CW的<<调教浪荡富家女>>(Privileged)虽然收视率也很差,但今天同样获得了2集的追加预订.

3. 调教富家女:,,<<调教富家女>>(Privileged)主要讲述一位23岁毕业于耶鲁大学的年轻女子Megan Smith(Joanna García扮演)进入富豪家庭,当上2个千金的家教的故事. ,Megan Smith之前的报刊记者生涯很不顺,最终被解雇. 不过峰回路转,

privileged 词典解释

1. 有特权的;享受特殊待遇的
    Someone who is privileged has an advantage or opportunity that most other people do not have, often because of their wealth or high social class.

    e.g. They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.
    e.g. ...I felt very privileged to work at the university.

2. (信息)保密的,只有少数人知道的
    Privileged information is known by only a small group of people, who are not legally required to give it to anyone else.

    e.g. The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public...
    e.g. Mr Nixon argued the tapes were privileged.

privileged 单语例句

1. The first is to end political control of the business sector by the privileged elite.

2. For a while he lived what he was happy to call a privileged life.

3. And they moved many as they articulated why they deserve to be the eight foreigners privileged to carry the Olympic torch in China.

4. " My father is Li Gang " became the country's newest catchphrase, implying privileged children from official families.

5. " Some young Chinese girls want to show their privileged social status by dressing in labels, " said fashion editor Wang.

6. Disadvantaged people usually get the short shrift when they compete against privileged social groups and are rarely treated fairly when their interests clash with others'.

7. All last week the rightwing papers here rustled with the lamentations of the privileged, wailing about a new class war.

8. His proposed voluntary code would urge the media to respect all religious sensibilities but would not offer privileged status to any one faith.

9. A zero Gini coefficient represents perfect equality and one indicates a complete monopoly of wealth by the privileged.

10. A zero Gini coefficient represents perfect equality and 1 indicates a complete monopoly of wealth by the privileged.


privileged 英英释义



1. confined to an exclusive group

    e.g. privy to inner knowledge
           inside information
           privileged information

    Synonym: insideinner

2. blessed with privileges

    e.g. the privileged few

3. not subject to usual rules or penalties

    e.g. a privileged statement

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