
procession是什么意思 procession在线翻译 procession什么意思 procession的意思 procession的翻译 procession的解释 procession的发音 procession的同义词

procession [prəˈseʃn]  [prəˈsɛʃən] 


procession 基本解释

名词队伍,行列; 一列,一排; 列队行进


procession 相关例句


1. The demonstrators marched in procession to the minister's office.

2. They watched the procession go past.

3. procession

3. Ideas passed in quick procession through her mind.

4. Thousands of workers joined the funeral procession.

procession 网络解释

1. 宗教游行:Semana Santa是塞维利亚人一年中极为重要的节日之一,虽然宗教气氛浓厚,观看极富戏剧性的宗教游行(Procession)却也是人们聚会,社交的重要场合. 男人们一般穿著黑色西装,女人们则是华贵的类似夜礼服的黑色裙子,头戴一种特别的头饰,

2. 行进:属于行进(procession)或游行(parade)一类的形象,是联系着追求、奉献、牺牲等等的符号,因而是一般典礼仪式予人以庄严感的关键,宜善于利用. 安排一次典礼,如果主持人等当着会众登台,庄严感远胜于事先安排他们坐在台上. 更能引起庄严感的,

3. procession什么意思

3. 处理:这种以最小能量达到最大效果的处理(procession)方式,恰是自然界的两大自然法则之一,那就是最小能量法则(minimum-energy principle),另一法则是最短时间法则(least time principle).

4. 进动:主题:进动(procession)存在吗?进动(procession)存在吗?地球的形状并非正圆球,赤道略微突出,赤道的直径比南北方向的直径长43公里. 在太阳和月亮重力的牵引之下,地球像是一颗巨大的陀螺,除了自转之外,它的转轴也在绕圈晃动,

procession 词典解释

1. (走路、骑马、开车等的)队伍,行列
    A procession is a group of people who are walking, riding, or driving in a line as part of a public event.

    e.g. ...a funeral procession.
    e.g. ...religious processions.

procession 单语例句

1. Royal carriages drawn by mounted troops of the Household Calvary will roll to the palace in a sweeping procession under fluttering rows of Union Jacks.

2. You may even chance upon a wedding procession or a Cantonese Opera show that adds a punchy splash of color to the scenery.

3. Claims that the carnival procession was fixed first began circulating in April when police launched a crackdown on one of Rio's many illegal gambling rackets.

4. " They were in no way close to the carriage procession, " Munch said.

5. The festivities concluded with a ceremonial carriage procession in London, a formal contrast to Monday's spectacular pop tribute staged outside Buckingham Palace.

6. The procession wound through the city's Old Town and then along Prince's Street beneath the ramparts of the castle towering over the city center.

7. The procession was led by a military band and hundreds of soldiers and cavalry men on horseback.

8. About five hours later, the cardinals assembled for the procession into the Sistine Chapel.

9. The performance displayed a chronological procession of images ranging from prehistoric to modern times.

10. The coffin was then carried onto a hearse on the military complex, as world leaders gathered for a short funeral procession.

procession 英英释义



1. the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)

    Synonym: progressprogressionadvanceadvancementforward motiononward motion

2. the group action of a collection of people or animals or vehicles moving ahead in more or less regular formation

    e.g. processions were forbidden

3. (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

    e.g. the emanation of the Holy Spirit
           the rising of the Holy Ghost
           the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son

    Synonym: emanationrise

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