
programme是什么意思 programme在线翻译 programme什么意思 programme的意思 programme的翻译 programme的解释 programme的发音 programme的同义词

programme [ˈprəʊgræm]  [ˈproˌɡræm, -ɡrəm] 


programme 基本解释

名词计划; 节目; 课程; (演出或活动的)程序

及物动词计划; 训练; 培养; 预调

不及物动词编程序; 制作节目

programme 网络解释

1. programme的意思

1. 节目:第一个节目(programme) 是河南的一位男老师唱的<<三十里铺>>,听着那熟悉的乡音、乡韵,想念着我的家人和故土,盈盈的泪水夺眶而出. 家国几万里,相思两不断. 虽然,我们才离开祖国、离开家乡十一天. 尽管大家都有些黯然,

2. 进度表:合同运作期(Post-Contract)基本的八大工作工料测量师负责协助施工现场与投标部门或其它有关部门整理及综合所有有关合同文件,整份投标文件,图则,规格(Specification),其它有关信件等,例如工程进度表(Programme),施工计划(Methods

programme 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 program

1. 方案;计划;安排
    A programme of actions or events is a series of actions or events that are planned to be done.

    e.g. The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue...
    e.g. The programme of sell-offs has been implemented by the new chief executive.

2. (电视或广播)节目
    A television or radio programme is something that is broadcast on television or radio.

    e.g. ...a series of TV programmes on global environment.
    e.g. ...local news programmes.

3. (剧院或音乐会的)节目单
    A theatre or concert programme is a small book or sheet of paper which gives information about the play or concert you are attending.

4. 为(机器或系统)设定程序
    When you programme a machine or system, you set its controls so that it will work in a particular way.

    e.g. Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.

5. 按特定的方式行事
    If a living creature is programmed to behave in a particular way, they are likely to behave in that way because of social or biological factors that they cannot control.

    e.g. We are all genetically programmed to develop certain illnesses.

programme 单语例句

1. Although Six Sigma started off as a QA system, it has now grown into a complete business management programme.

2. Needy urban residents came gradually under the coverage of the subsistence allowances programme, and we made sure that all eligible urban residents were by and large provided for.

3. Mottaki vowed that Tehran would press on with its controversial nuclear programme despite a call by the UN Security Council to suspend its activities.

4. The White House said Ahmadinejad's call for a presidential debate on global concerns was a " diversion " from international concerns over Iran's nuclear programme.

5. Network officials have refused to confirm a cancellation, insisting they are yet to make a decision about the programme.

6. The Broadcasting Standards Commission censured the programme, saying it had " breached a convention " and that some complainants had compared it to cannibalism.

7. Canoe Slalom made its debut at the Munich 1972 Olympic Games, but didn't become a permanent part of the Olympic programme until Barcelona 1992.

8. It will also offer an extensive sports development programme, run in partnership with the British Canoe Union.

9. The programme will include a cantata, recitation of Mao's poetry and tenor and soprano solos.

10. To encourage rural doctors to detect more active TB patients and to monitor the treatment, the Ministry of Health also announced an award programme.

programme 英英释义


1. a performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation

    e.g. the program lasted more than two hours

    Synonym: program

2. a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished

    e.g. they drew up a six-step plan
           they discussed plans for a new bond issue

    Synonym: planprogram

3. a system of projects or services intended to meet a public need

    e.g. he proposed an elaborate program of public works
           working mothers rely on the day care program

    Synonym: program

4. (computer science) a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute

    e.g. the program required several hundred lines of code

    Synonym: programcomputer programcomputer programme

5. a radio or television show

    e.g. did you see his program last night?

    Synonym: broadcastprogram

6. an integrated course of academic studies

    e.g. he was admitted to a new program at the university

    Synonym: course of studyprogramcurriculumsyllabus

7. an announcement of the events that will occur as part of a theatrical or sporting event

    e.g. you can't tell the players without a program

    Synonym: program


1. arrange a program of or for

    e.g. program the 80th birthday party

    Synonym: program

2. write a computer program

    Synonym: program

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