
progression是什么意思 progression在线翻译 progression什么意思 progression的意思 progression的翻译 progression的解释 progression的发音

progression [prəˈgreʃn]  [prəˈɡrɛʃən] 


progression 基本解释

名词(事件的)连续; 一系列; 发展,进展; <数>级数


progression 网络解释

1. 前进:* Jung相信生理和心理能量可以用同样的原则加以说明,(Principles of Equivalence and Entropy)-适应外在世界,心理能量需要往前流动,i.e.前进(progression)两个基本态度:内向(introversion) v.s.

2. 进行:但都仅止於片段而非完整的报告,以致无法解释 全部现象,但最近有诸多的研究与实验,已较清楚发现各个间质成分对致癌过程的影响,现在比较一致的看法,认为间质组织对癌症起始(initiation) 及进行(progression),具有相当重要的调控能力,

3. progression是什么意思

3. 演进:而这种肿瘤在生 长过程中侵略性不断增加的 过程则被称为演进(progression). 具体的行为 则是生长的 加快, 并且开始入侵周遭的正常 组织(癌症浸润), 并且通过 血道转移到 远端(癌症转移). + 癌症的流行病学是利用研究癌症发生机率来推测癌症的可能成因以及相关的性质.

progression 词典解释

1. 进展;发展;演变
    A progression is a gradual development from one state to another.


    e.g. Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease...
    e.g. I think they saw it as a natural progression for me.

2. (事件的)一连串,一系列,连续
    A progression of things is a number of things which come one after the other.


    e.g. ...a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.

progression 单语例句

1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.

2. Higher coffee consumption has been associated with slower progression of pre - existing liver disease and lower risk of liver cancer.

3. A monthly salary system represents a progression from the piece rate and hourly wages of the early days of capitalism.

4. The judge's code was based on the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical progression discussed in the book.

5. If universities want to make their graduate education a natural progression of their undergraduate courses, their examination must be more a test of a student's general knowledge.

6. " It seemed very natural to me to extend my aesthetic into the home, " says Armani of his progression from fashion to furniture.

7. Cui said his team's findings are the first to link nearsightedness progression with hours of available daylight.

8. Economists also agreed that diversified financial products, increasing finance and investment channels would be crucial for the progression of China's capital market.

9. It should not necessarily mean Sharon's political journey is a linear progression from hawk to dove.

10. To their surprise the drug not only slowed progression of the disease but also reversed damage to the organ.

progression 英英释义



1. the act of moving forward (as toward a goal)

    Synonym: progressprocessionadvanceadvancementforward motiononward motion

2. a movement forward

    e.g. he listened for the progress of the troops

    Synonym: progressadvance

3. a series with a definite pattern of advance

    Synonym: patterned advance

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