
projection是什么意思 projection在线翻译 projection什么意思 projection的意思 projection的翻译 projection的解释 projection的发音 projection的同义词

projection [prəˈdʒekʃn]  [prəˈdʒɛkʃən] 


projection 基本解释

名词预测; 规划,设计; [心]投射; 突起物


projection 相关例句


1. The company had made projections of sales of 3000 aircraft.

2. projection在线翻译

2. She excels in stage projection .

projection 网络解释

1. 投影:1950年自创作<<投影>>(Projection)后,开始采用图形记谱法,即大致指明每件乐器的上中下音区,时值则规划合成相等的小格. 一条横线从中穿过表示一个音符的长短,或者在小格内标明一个数字,表示在这段时间内要奏出多少音符.

2. 放映:原因是自1990年代以来,因数位影音科技的跃进,当代艺术的创作颇有进入放映(projection)时代的态势. 首先,就1960年代来说,录像艺术的兴起是带有雕塑形制的,例如白南准(Nam June Paik)的录像作品,而这同时也承载着装置语汇,

3. projection的意思

3. 计划:这也是一个传统部分. 其目的是在第一年将你的各种金融计划(projection)集中到一起,也将你的未来计划包括进去,如3-5年的计划.

4. projection:p; 投影

projection 词典解释

1. 预计;预测;估计
    A projection is an estimate of a future amount.


    e.g. ...the company's projection of 11 million visitors for the first year.
    e.g. ...sales projections.

2. 投射;放映
    The projection of a film or picture is the act of projecting it onto a screen or wall.

    e.g. They took me into a projection room to see a picture.

projection 单语例句

1. Climate change projection models have forecast an increase in global temperatures by two to six degrees Celsius over the century.

2. Would it be terribly impolite to suggest that when such people complain of censorship, a certain amount of projection is taking place?

3. Many of the other establishments along Beijing's most dynamic bar street have set up huge projection screens and made room for additional seats.

4. Asked for comment, one US government scientist questioned what he called this " aggressive " projection.

5. Many contracts are " cost plus ", meaning there will be no penalty if a contractor wildly exceeds the initial projection.

6. It was a sunny day, and more than 30 of the center's regulars squeezed into the tiny projection room.

7. The new media display center will break the limitations of traditional projection and tourists will be able to be in the scene.

8. The display uses the ancient Chinese technique of rice paper production together with modern image projection technology.

9. The projection came after the country's economic indicators showed that the impacts from the global financial crisis on China's tangible economy have become much severer.

10. The German government has already cautioned in the autumn projection of the possible risks of further economic slowdown in Europe and the world's economy.


projection 英英释义


1. the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting

    Synonym: expulsionejectionforcing out

2. the act of projecting out from something

    Synonym: protrusionjutjutting

3. any structure that branches out from a central support

4. the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction

5. a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations

6. a planned undertaking

    Synonym: project

7. the projection of an image from a film onto a screen

8. the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality

    e.g. our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection
           a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice

    Synonym: acoustic projectionsound projection

9. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else

10. any solid convex shape that juts out from something

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