
prolific是什么意思 prolific在线翻译 prolific什么意思 prolific的意思 prolific的翻译 prolific的解释 prolific的发音 prolific的同义词

prolific [prəˈlɪfɪk]  [prəˈlɪfɪk] 

prolific 基本解释


形容词富饶的; (艺术家、作家等)多产的; 众多的; (植物、动物等)丰硕的

prolific 相关例句


1. prolific

1. The last few pages of the document are prolific of mistakes.

2. prolific在线翻译

2. The mountainous area is prolific in valuable minerals.

prolific 网络解释

1. 多产的:proliferous 增殖的 | prolific 多产的 | prolificacy 生产力

2. 多育的,多产的:Facile 容易的,机敏的,亲和的 | Prolific 多育的,多产的 | Ineffable 不可言喻的;应该避讳的

3. 丰富的:proliferous polymer ==> 增生性聚合物 | prolific ==> 丰富的 | proline ==> 脯氨酸=>プロリン

prolific 词典解释

1. (作家、画家或作曲家)多产的,作品丰富的
    A prolific writer, artist, or composer produces a large number of works.

    e.g. She is a prolific writer of novels and short stories...
    e.g. During the Seventies, Rundgren was astonishingly prolific.

2. (运动员)得分多的,比赛中获胜多的
    A prolific sports player scores a lot of goals or wins a lot of matches or races.

    e.g. Another prolific scorer is Dean Saunders.

3. (人、动物、植物)多育的,多产的,高产的
    An animal, person, or plant that is prolific produces a large number of babies, young plants, or fruit.

    e.g. They are prolific breeders, with many hens laying up to six eggs.
    e.g. ...a prolific crop of creamy gold coloured pods.

4. (动物)众多的,大批的
    If animals are prolific somewhere, there are a lot of them there.


    e.g. All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.

prolific 单语例句

1. Drogba is by far the most prolific striker on a team full of talented attackers.

2. The Helpmann Awards have been named in honour of the prolific Australian performer, dramaturg and choreographer Sir Robert Helpmann who died in 1986.

3. Maria Sharapova sounded like the most prolific romantic of all the female tennis players on Valentine's Day by suggesting she had many lovers.

4. Wu is widely considered a prolific and innovative artist, who was also a respected educator and an outspoken public figure.

5. Berger is Professor Emeritus at San Francisco State University and a very prolific writer.

6. The prospect of losing the services of their prolific striker Adriano spoilt what was another excellent display from Parma at Brescia.

7. The impala used to be one of Zimbabwe's most widespread and prolific animal species but has fallen victim to rampant poaching by hungry Zimbabweans.

8. A prolific actress, she made her mark in theater and film generally portraying the matriarchs in family dramas.

9. Watch all of the different defensive gyrations the Rockets will go through to try to slow down the prolific Ray Allen.

10. He is considered one of the most versatile and prolific filmmakers in contemporary Hindi cinema.

prolific 英英释义



1. bearing in abundance especially offspring

    e.g. flying foxes are extremely prolific
           a prolific pear tree

    Synonym: fertile

2. intellectually productive

    e.g. a prolific writer
           a fecund imagination

    Synonym: fecundfertile

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