
prop是什么意思 prop在线翻译 prop什么意思 prop的意思 prop的翻译 prop的解释 prop的发音 prop的同义词 prop的反义词 prop的例句 prop的相关词组

prop [prɒp]  [prɑ:p] 


prop 基本解释

名词道具; 支柱,支撑物; 支持者,后盾,靠山; (橄榄球中的)支柱前锋

及物动词支撑,支持,维持; 使倚靠在某物上


prop 相关例句


1. He propped his bicycle against the fence.

2. The mailman propped his bicycle up against the wall and put the mail into the mailbox.

3. Prop the door open with a brick.

4. prop

4. He propped the ladder against the wall.


1. The sets, props and costumes were all ready.

prop 网络解释

1. prop是什么意思

1. 支柱:锁球员(lock)Ali Williams和支柱(prop)Tony Woodcock将进行伤愈后的首场比赛. 往常的第8号(No.8)Rodney So'oialo首次被授予全黑队长,并将首次挑战前锋侧翼(open sider flanker)的位置. 南非队方面,

2. 比例:金股利的需求以及上市公司如何应对这种需求.本文就将从这个角度来探讨中国上市公司的现金股利发放的行为特征.未流通A股比例(PROP)我们在实证分析中对2000年到2003年连续4年的数据分别用三个模型进行Logistic回归.在模型1中,

3. 支柱,后盾:废除(法令等),取消 abrogate | 支柱,后盾 prop | 养生法 regimen

4. prop:propeller; 螺旋桨

prop 词典解释

1. 架;搁;靠
    If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere.


    e.g. He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on the desk...
    e.g. He propped his bike against the bus.

2. 支柱;撑棒;支撑物
    A prop is a stick or other object that you use to support something.

3. 支持者;后盾;靠山
    To be a prop for a system, institution, or person means to be the main thing that keeps them strong or helps them survive.

    e.g. The army is one of the main props of the government...
    e.g. I had two props in my life; one was alcohol, the other work.

4. (戏剧或电影中的)道具
    The props in a play or film are all the objects or pieces of furniture that are used in it.

    e.g. ...the backdrop and props for a stage show.
    e.g. ...stage props.

5. (橄榄球争球时的)第一排边锋
    In rugby, a prop or prop forward is one of the two players who position themselves in the front row when a group called a scrum is formed.

6. 同propeller
    A prop is the same as a propeller .

相关词组:prop up

prop 单语例句

1. Prop up his trishaw's canopy, and guests are ready to go.

2. Not long ago the ukulele was an endangered species, seen as cheap exotica or a comic prop.

3. The central bank put in place a loan curb for commercial banks until last November, when it decided to prop loan growth to cushion the economic slowdown.

4. Some argue that Israeli gestures such as prisoner releases can help prop up the Palestinian leader and enable him to better confront those challenges.

5. Yet his disability did not stop him becoming a vital crutch that has help prop up China's rural education system for two decades.

6. He brushed aside the discord among netizens as problems that are bound to prop up in an increasingly closer relationship.

7. But Pyongyang still has a lot more to do to prop up its economy.

8. Experts say PetroChina's expansion of its scope of business to offshore oil exploration and production was a move to prop up its oil output.

9. The Federal Reserve launched its latest round of quantitative easing by buying $ 600 billion in government bonds to prop up the ailing US economy.

10. A helicopter kept a floodlight on the scene as rescue workers scrambled to find victims and prop up what remained of the roof.

prop 英英释义



1. a propeller that rotates to push against air

    Synonym: airplane propellerairscrew

2. a support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling

3. any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie

    e.g. before every scene he ran down his checklist of props

    Synonym: property


1. support by placing against something solid or rigid

    e.g. shore and buttress an old building

    Synonym: prop upshore upshore

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