
proportional是什么意思 proportional在线翻译 proportional什么意思 proportional的意思 proportional的翻译 proportional的解释 proportional的发音

proportional [prəˈpɔ:ʃənl]  [prəˈpɔ:rʃənl] 


proportional 基本解释

形容词比例的,成比例的; 相称的,均衡的


proportional 反义词

proportional 相关例句


1. The output should be proportional to the input.

2. The pay will be proportional to the amount of time put in.

proportional 网络解释

1. proportional在线翻译

1. 成比例:在艺术笔刷选项对话框中,选择成比例(Proportional ),使建立的笔刷在拉伸或收缩时线条宽度也随之放大或缩小. 你可以在对话框在名称栏内为新笔刷命名. (图08) 图08 在定义好笔刷之后,你就可以删除用以创建笔刷的对象了. 如果你待会儿还需要编辑笔刷,

2. 比例的:因此,我们可以叫它们为.比.例.的(proportional)关系. 2 自然的关系--第二,我们可以根据各种事物底起源,来比较它们,而且在考察此一物时,同时亦就把彼一物亦附带着考察了. 事物底起源后来既是不可改变的,因此,它们就使依于它们而生的那些关系,

3. 成比例的,相称的,比例数:proportion 比例,比率,部分 | proportional 成比例的,相称的,比例数 | proportional coumter 正比计数管

proportional 词典解释

1. 与…成比例的
    If one amount is proportional to another, the two amounts increase and decrease at the same rate so there is always the same relationship between them.

    e.g. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.
    e.g. ...a proportional fee based on the final sale price.

You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body...
Candidates would be elected proportionally.

proportional 单语例句

1. Carbon emissions from a vehicle are directly proportional to total fuel consumption.

2. This " disposer pays " is regarded as the most effective means of affecting waste reduction since the charges are proportional to the quantity of waste.

3. He said the present election system based on the proportional representation was not suited to this country as it had been proved.

4. Sri Lanka faces another parliamentary election based on the proportional representation system possibly in the second week of April.

5. In the general population, living alone has become more common - in absolute and proportional terms.

6. But a reduction in the missile's range is inversely proportional to an increase in its payload.

7. Never before in known history has Iraq carried out reasonable distribution of state power and interests according to the population's proportional wishes.

8. The elections adopt mixed systems with independent candidates elected by simple majority and party lists elected by proportional representation.

9. The rest 180 seats in the lower house will be decided by parties that win the run for the proportional representation regional blocks.

10. Most of the additional seats are allotted to political parties based on the percentage of votes they received in separate proportional representation ballots.

proportional 英英释义



1. one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion



1. properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics
    usually followed by `to'

    e.g. the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime
           earnings relative to production

    Synonym: relative

2. having a constant ratio

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