
protagonist是什么意思 protagonist在线翻译 protagonist什么意思 protagonist的意思 protagonist的翻译 protagonist的解释 protagonist的发音

protagonist [prəˈtægənɪst]  [proˈtæɡənɪst] 


protagonist 基本解释

名词(戏剧的)主角; (故事的)主人公; 现实事件(尤指冲突和争端的)主要参与者; 领导者

protagonist 相关例句


1. Mrs Pankhurst was one of the chief protagonists of women's rights.

2. The negative protagonists in the play inspire hate in me.

protagonist 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 主人公:外敌入侵呼唤主人公(protagonist)的爱国主义精神(patriotism)与忠诚(loyalty). 主人公通常还属于江湖中叫做武林(wulin)的一个小圈子(circle它包括所有武术(martial arts)的习练者(practitioner).

2. 主角:她的代表作品还有<<不真实的国度>>(IN THE REALMS OF THE UNREAL)、<<主角>>(PROTAGONIST)等. 本次,她与CHERRY SKY电影制作公司的会计蔡培恩共同创作本片,也给观众带来耳目一新的感觉. ◎简在今年第31届亚美国际电影节闭幕式上,

3. protagonist的反义词

3. 倡导者:在<<黑色收获>>中,有外来者(outsider)-我们拍摄者;新生事物倡导者(protagonist)乔和对抗者(antagonist)及争斗的两个部落. 我们需要了解更多关于乔以及与之观念对立的人之间的事情,所以采用了采访. 这是一个巧妙的采访,因为它看起来不象采访,

4. 主角演员:protaesthesis 原感觉 | protagonist 主角演员 | protan 红色盲基因

protagonist 词典解释

1. 提倡者;拥护者
    Someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it.

    e.g. ...the main protagonists of their countries' integration into the world market.

2. 主人公;主角;(真实事件的)主要人物
    A protagonist in a play, novel, or real event is one of the main people in it.


    e.g. ...the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye'...
    e.g. The chief protagonists in the row are Visa and Mastercard, the world's leading credit card brands.

protagonist 单语例句


1. The author even jokingly compares himself with Catcher in the Rye protagonist Holden Caulfield, who had appeared as a character in earlier short stories.

2. It uses the nostalgic chapter form to develop stories based on the reincarnation of protagonist Ximen Nao from 1950 to 2000.

3. The effects of chemotherapy made me look like some plucky child protagonist in a movie of the week.

4. The protagonist is a woman who has stumbled her way up to become one of the wealthiest coalmine owners in her hometown.

5. The book had no answers to his dilemma as the main protagonist puts work ahead of family but that is not how Gui thinks.

6. The most touching part of Avatar for me is the choice of the protagonist at the end.

7. The portrayal of character will take presidency over the presentation of historical background, especially with the protagonist.

8. A young woman who survived a Russian pogrom in which her family was butchered is the protagonist of Bloom's novel.

9. The novel tells the story of two quests by a lonely protagonist in search of someone to talk to.

10. She was a new face and the director believed she was the ideal actress to incarnate the protagonist's many sides.

protagonist 英英释义


1. the principal character in a work of fiction

    Synonym: agonist

2. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    e.g. all their supporters came out for the game
           they are friends of the library

    Synonym: supporterchampionadmirerboosterfriend

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