
protect是什么意思 protect在线翻译 protect什么意思 protect的意思 protect的翻译 protect的解释 protect的发音 protect的同义词 protect的反义词

protect [prəˈtekt]  [prəˈtɛkt] 


protect 基本解释

及物动词保护,保卫; 贸易保护; 备款以支付

protect 同义词

protect 反义词


protect 相关例句


1. The insurance policy protects you against injury.

2. Wearing dark glasses can protect your eyes from the sun.

3. May God protect you from harm.

4. A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against attack.

5. He raised his arm to protect his face.

protect 网络解释

1. protect在线翻译

1. 护:第八,最后,总结通过对'水'的深入讨论得出-水是生命之源. 我们该做些什么呢?我们应该珍惜(cherish),保护(protect)水资源. 并布置课后作业.

2. protect的近义词

2. 防护:绿盟科技为安全岛方案定制的4大类,10个子级别的安全服务内容,涵盖了从监控(Monitor)、预警(Alter)、防护(Protect)、响应(Response)的安全支持服务过程,使得电信运营商用户能够切实有效的运行安全岛方案.

3. protect

3. 防:甚 至恶化现象.6、运动伤害发生时的处理当伤害发生时应尽速送医治疗,以免伤害情形恶化.如果是较轻微的运动伤害,可依(PRICE)方式来进行.7、何谓PRICEP是指预防(protect),就是预先的保护 措施.R是休息(rest),

protect 词典解释

1. 保护;防护
    To protect someone or something means to prevent them from being harmed or damaged.

    e.g. So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?...
    e.g. A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind...

2. (保险单)为…提供保险
    If an insurance policy protects you against an event such as death, injury, fire, or theft, the insurance company will give you or your family money if that event happens.

    e.g. Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers.

protect 单语例句


1. They met local government officials and business representatives to discuss ways to promote bilateral trade, foster local economic growth and protect the intellectual property rights of software.

2. It accused its neighbor of violating its waters and staging military drills in the area and vowed to protect its border by force.

3. By the same token, businesses should not be expected to protect workers'right of refusal.

4. But then he had to protect his summer lettuce from the heat of the sun by hanging a piece of cloth to provide shade.

5. Twelve thousand troops in the nation's capital were called on to help protect fire fighters tackling at least eight blazes started by rioters.

6. By carefully researching pecuniary options, you can protect yourself from making a money decision that you will later regret.

7. By aggravated means we mean that the infringer intentionally avoid to fulfill his obligation to protect copyright using multiple techniques.

8. A spokeswoman with the CAAC said the administration has been urging airlines to improve their services to better protect consumers'rights.

9. NPC Standing Committee members urged the cabinet and relevant government departments to strengthen supervision to better protect workers'rights.

10. Rhubarb is also high in calcium for the bones, and potassium to keep blood pressure in check and protect the heart.

protect 英英释义



1. shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage

    e.g. Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain

2. use tariffs to favor domestic industry

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