
protector是什么意思 protector在线翻译 protector什么意思 protector的意思 protector的翻译 protector的解释 protector的发音 protector的同义词

protector [prəˈtektə(r)]  [prəˈtɛktɚ] 


protector 基本解释

名词保护者; 防护器,保护装置; 护国公; [英史]摄政者

protector 网络解释

1. 保护装置:但若查验USPTO数据库,则可发现上述设计专利名称为LCD屏幕保护装置(Protector). enGadget网站是类似博客(Blog)或Wiki的交互式网站,报道刊出之后,也可见到各方对报道的评论,而若干评论亦值得参考,包括苹果最新版操作系统Tiger内建屏幕长宽互换功能,

2. protector

2. 保护器:▲美信(MAXIM)公司的的电池电量计(Battery Fuel Gauge):DS2755晶片,图中为该晶片的应用电路图,MAX1726为低消散(LDO)的线性降压器,使DS2755获得合适(电压)的运作用电,更右边则是电池保护器(Protector).

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 保安器:6.SCQ接线模块上面,可轻便地加装保安器(Protector)以防止过流、过压,保护人身和财产安全. 这也是国家规定要装配的设施. 水平区子系统主要功能是实现信息插座和管理子系统(中间配线架IDF)间的连接. 根据项目的水平区子系统的数据传输要求及将来扩展的要求,

protector 词典解释

1. 保护人
    If you refer to someone as your protector, you mean that they protect you from being harmed.

    e.g. Many mothers see their son as a potential protector and provider.

2. 保护装置
    A protector is a device that protects someone or something from physical harm.

    e.g. He was the only National League umpire to wear an outside chest protector.

protector 单语例句

1. Points are tracked by an electronic scoring system now and are only awarded if fighters kick or punch their opponent's chest protector with sufficient force.

2. The sentencing came two days before the scheduled judgment of the alleged gang protector - Chongqing's former justice chief and deputy police director Wen Qiang.

3. A couple has invented an airplane protector they say will help planes land safely during an emergency.

4. A king is our protector, but now we are left to fend for ourselves.

5. He's served as the intimidating Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and eventually headmaster himself but he's also been a protector of Harry.

6. They tend to act as the protector of the tourists and imparter of knowledge about their locality's attractions.

7. Wang who at one time acted as Yang's protector has been removed from his post and sentenced.

8. Jennifer Aniston says her boyfriend Justin Theroux is her " protector ".

9. It may help our country's labor unions play a more efficient role and become a real protector of employees'rights.

10. This local protector can help a Chinese surveying instruments manufacturer access the global market through the seedling transplant model.

protector 英英释义


1. a person who cares for persons or property

    Synonym: defenderguardianshielder

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