
public service是什么意思 public service在线翻译 public service什么意思 public service的意思 public service的翻译 public service的解释

public service [ˈpʌblik ˈsɜːvɪs]  [ˈpʌblɪk 'sɝvɪs] 

public service什么意思
第三人称复数:public services

public service 基本解释


public service 网络解释

1. 公务:在法国,以公务理论为中心,通过行政判例构建了行政契约理论,行政契约的两个基本标准是合同与公务(public service)有关,或者合同为行政机关保有特殊的权力.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 配套设施:7、配套设施(Public Service)指在地块内须配套建设的公共服务设施. 8、禁止开口路段(Prohibitive Passageway)地块周边禁止接向城市道路开设机动车出入口的路段. 9、配建车位(Parking Seats Arrangement)地块内必须建设的与建设项目相配套的机动车停车位数.

public service 词典解释

1. 公共事业;公营事业
    A public service is something such as health care, transport, or the removal of waste which is organized by the government or an official body in order to benefit all the people in a particular society or community.

public service什么意思

    e.g. The money is used by local authorities to pay for public services.
    e.g. ...a strike by public service workers.

2. (政府部门,尤指行政部门的)公务,公职,公共岗位
    You use public service to refer to activities and jobs which are provided or paid for by a government, especially through the civil service.

    e.g. ...a distinguished career in public service.
    e.g. ...the idea of low-wage public service jobs.

3. (广播事业)为公共服务的,公益的
    Public service broadcasting consists of television and radio programmes supplied by an official or government organization, rather than by a commercial company. Such programmes often provide information or education, as well as entertainment.

4. 公益事业
    Public service activities and types of work are concerned with helping people and providing them with what they need, rather than making a profit.

public service的解释

    e.g. ...the notion of public service and obligation which has been under such attack.
    e.g. ...an egalitarian society based on cooperation and public service.

5. 公益活动
    If you perform a public service, you do something that helps or benefits the people in a particular community.

public service的意思

    e.g. Sportsmen are performing a public service by bringing the joys of major-league baseball to their communities.

public service 单语例句

1. The credit cards are for public service employees to use for their expenses, including business travels and conferences.

2. The credit cards are to be used by public service employees for expenses, including business travel and conferences.

3. The businessman defends himself by saying he is providing job opportunities for little people and doing a public service.

4. Officials say he has yet to settle on a candidate to replace Goh Kun, who retired after 40 years of public service and nine weeks as acting president.

5. The CPC Central Committee also proposed active yet prudent reforms in public service institutions, introducing competitive mechanisms to diversify the agencies of providing public services.

6. China has implemented active employment policies since 2002 and has also created more public service jobs.

7. The statement also said public employment service providers must improve their services and offer free career counseling for home service providers.

8. The service comes one month after a lavish public memorial that displayed the King of Pop's gleaming golden casket to millions on TV.

9. Cleanness tops mass expectations of public service in China also because there is acute discontent with corruption in the ranks of State functionaries.

10. Popular psychology seems to be something acutely lacking among a certain segment of China's celebrities and public service managers.

public service 英英释义


1. employment within a government system (especially in the civil service)

2. a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions

    Synonym: community service

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