
publishing是什么意思 publishing在线翻译 publishing什么意思 publishing的意思 publishing的翻译 publishing的解释 publishing的发音 publishing的同义词

publishing [ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ] [ˈpʌblɪʃɪŋ] 


publishing 基本解释

名词出版; 出版社; 出版业

动词发表; 发行; 出版(publish的现在分词)

形容词出版的; 出版业的

publishing 情景对话


A:How may I help you?

B:I’m looking for a job.

A:What kind of job are you looking for?


B:I don’t know exactly. I’m kind of looking for a change.

A:What field have you been working in?


B:I’ve been working in the education field. But, to be honest, I’d like to find a job that pays better.

A:What kind of experience do you have?


B:I was a high school English teacher for 10 years. In that time, I also organized class trips, helped students raise money, and was the head of the faculty for the last 3 years.
      我在高中教过10 年英语。在那段时间里,我组织过班级旅游,帮助学生集资,并且后三年是教师中的负责人。

A:Did you do any writing while you were at the school?


B:Yes, I taught writing classes, worked with the students to make the year book every day, and also did some freelancing on the side.

A:What kind of freelancing?


B:I had a few articles published in some magazines and newspapers. I also wrote a textbook.

A:What kind of job are you looking for now?

B:I’d like a 9-5 office job.


A:Would you be interested in working in the publishing field?

B:That’s a possibility. Do you have anything available?


A:Let me check my computer.

publishing 网络解释

1. 出版学:包括书面传媒和广播传媒 传媒理论,新闻联络,新闻写作 雅思7,单项6 一年 适合想做任何传媒工作的同学,特别适合本科学的不是传媒而想转过来的同学出版学 (Publishing) 出版业的各个方面,包括报纸杂志,书籍,和电子媒体的出版.

2. publishing是什么意思

2. 出版业:英国出版业(Publishing)以信息的收集、编辑和传播为己任,以印刷品为主,同时兼顾其他信息传播方式. 随着技术变革特别是互联网的出现,英国出版业的收集和编辑功能更加突出. 因供应链渠道不同,英国出版业可以具体分为三类,

3. publishing

3. 发行:由SK C&C发行(publishing)的Mmonato Eesprit游戏,游戏里会根据12星座,性别,血型来决定角色的命运,性格,能力. 同时,玩家可以控制角色的成长,培养个人专属的理想角色. 并且可以跟自己的命运相符的角色结婚,也可以买房子还能装修.

publishing 词典解释

1. 出版业
    Publishing is the profession of publishing books.

    e.g. I had a very high-powered job in publishing.

publishing 单语例句

1. The centre of the professors'daily work has shifted from teaching to research, publishing papers and even making use of their academic advantages to do business.

2. The former butler is now publishing a book entitled " A Royal Duty " in which some of the letters are included.

3. Shi said Jingdong will solve this problem by acting as an industry agent and sharing profits with publishing houses.

4. The People's Publishing House said the traditional Chinese version of the speech will be distributed overseas by the China International Book Trading Corporation.

5. The publishing company has apologized for its mistake and helped the residence that was inconvenienced change its phone number.

6. Some of them do not even bother to check whether the news they get is true before publishing it.

7. Blue of China is Europe's only publishing house dedicated solely to Chinese books.

8. The computerized laser system for Chinese character typesetting has transformed China's printing from letterpress to electronic publishing.

9. Three journalists accused of publishing intelligence documents about secret CIA prisons went on trial yesterday before a Swiss military tribunal.

10. The circular bans publishing houses affiliated to Chinese schools from publishing domestic editions of foreign textbooks without the permission of the foreign publisher.

publishing 英英释义


1. the business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution

    Synonym: publication

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