
pull over是什么意思 pull over在线翻译 pull over什么意思 pull over的意思 pull over的翻译 pull over的解释 pull over的发音 pull over的同义词

pull over [pul ˈəuvə]  [pʊl ˈovɚ] 

pull over 基本解释


pull over 相关例句


1. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped.

pull over 网络解释

1. 靠边:处理方法很简单,尽可能赶快靠边(Pull Over),让他们先走. 校车:校车的英文名称是School Bus. 好象都是黄色的,方方正正那种. 校车在正常行驶的时候,不用你操太多心. 但如果如果一辆校车停在你前面,不管是和你同一方向,还是逆着你的方向,

2. 边停车:好像其他都还可以, 就是靠边停车(pull over)这一项, 考官让我做了五六次, 最后都快火人了. 我还以为他要当掉我呢, 结果, 考试时间到了, 他就让我回去了. 嗬嗬,刚刚及格. 我的教练看了我的考试纪录, 说是如果再犯一个错误就完蛋了.

3. pull over

3. 把车子开到旁边:.Pull over!把车子开到旁边. | .Drop me a line!写封信给我. | .Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧!

4. 把(车)驶到(或驶向)路边:pull through (使)度过危机(或难关),(使)恢复健康 | pull over 把(车)驶到(或驶向)路边 | pull out 拔出,抽去,取出;(车,船等)驶出;使摆脱困惑

pull over 词典解释

1. (车)驶向路边停下;(驾车者)靠路边停车
    When a vehicle or driver pulls over, the vehicle moves closer to the side of the road and stops there.

    e.g. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.

2. (通常因司机危险驾驶,警察)令(驾车者或车辆)停靠路边
    If the police pull over a driver or vehicle, they make the driver stop at the side of the road, usually because the driver has been driving dangerously.

    e.g. The officers pulled him over after a high-speed chase...
    e.g. Police pulled over his Mercedes near Dieppe.

3. see also: pullover

pull over 单语例句

1. As Obama seeks to pull out combat troops over the next three years, the government's hand may weaken further.

2. The Los Angeles Galaxy player was driving when the setting jammed on heat, forcing him to pull over and find something to cushion his scorched manhood.

3. London - A policeman who planned to pull over a'reckless driver'found himself helping to deliver a baby on the roadside.

4. Pull over to the side of the road away from overpasses and power lines if driving.

5. He admitted that he wasn't sure before the race if he still has the muscle to pull through over such a fearsome distance.

6. He also promised an evaluation of Indonesia's Wuhan flop would come soon but did not pull any punches over the team's performances.

7. But in a statement late Tuesday police allege he refused to stop when asked to pull over a third time.

8. Station staff managed to pull the man to safety and he was later found to be five times over the legal drink drive limit.

9. British supermodel Kate Moss is reportedly threatening to pull out of a lingerie deal over personal issues.

10. Mediate was disappointed rather than upset after narrowly failing to pull off a stunning playoff victory over Woods.

pull over 英英释义


1. steer a vehicle to the side of the road

    e.g. The car pulled over when the ambulance approached at high speed

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