
punish是什么意思 punish在线翻译 punish什么意思 punish的意思 punish的翻译 punish的解释 punish的发音 punish的同义词 punish的反义词 punish的例句

punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ]  [ˈpʌnɪʃ] 


punish 基本解释

动词处罚; 严厉对付; 贪婪地吃喝


punish 同义词

punish 反义词

punish 网络解释

1. 惩罚:维纳斯听说后很气愤,便命令儿子爱神丘比特去惩罚(punish)一下普赛克. 这可真让丘比特左右为难,他不想违抗母命,又不想伤害普赛克,因为自从他见过普赛克一面后,早已深深爱上了她!丘比特想出一个办法,

2. 处罚:为对重大事件中不同投资者的信息分布进行研究,我们选取了2005-2006年高送转、业绩预告、并购重组以及信息披露违规公开谴责等174个样本事件,其中业绩预告事件(forecast)59个样本,高送转(high)46个样本,并购重组(merge)28个样本,信息披露违规处罚(punish)41个样本.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 惩罚,处罚:punctuation 标点符号 | ▲punish 惩罚,处罚 | ▲punishment 惩罚

4. 惩罚 -- reward奖励:103. pull 拉 -- push 推 | 104. punish惩罚 -- reward奖励 | 105. rainy 下雨的 -- dry 干旱的

punish 词典解释

1. 处罚,惩罚(犯错之人)
    To punish someone means to make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong.

    e.g. I don't believe that George ever had to punish the children...
    e.g. According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines...

2. 惩罚(犯罪之人);对…判罪
    To punish a crime means to punish anyone who commits that crime.

    e.g. The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail...
    e.g. Such behaviour is unacceptable and will be punished.

punish 单语例句


1. Subsequently, an action plan can be worked out to punish violators of agreements and rules.

2. It is no longer enough to punish officials for gambling simply with Party disciplinary action or administrative procedure.

3. Guan decided to punish Li in a fit of pique after the boy stole his sugar cane last December.

4. A lawmaker in Guangdong has called for caning to be introduced to punish male criminals in the fight against crime.

5. The official said his court would seriously punish smugglers in an effort to bring the region's active smuggling under control.

6. Moderate Catholic politicians said Wednesday they won't punish Sinn Fein over alleged IRA spying, meaning Northern Ireland's administration probably faces suspension by Britain next week.

7. The new regulations punish not only those who cheat while writing the exam but also those caught " cheating after the exam ".

8. There are strict rules to punish students who cheat in school tests and those who cheat in national college entrance exams.

9. China will use a satellite positioning investigation system to check and punish illegal land activities, an official of the Ministry of Land and Resources said Sunday.

10. It is difficult to imagine there are no specific items on child abuse in the Criminal Law to punish such acts.


punish 英英释义


1. impose a penalty on
    inflict punishment on

    e.g. The students were penalized for showing up late for class
           we had to punish the dog for soiling the floor again

    Synonym: penalizepenalise

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